Jerry Sandusky Autobiography Title was Another Warning Sign

Alex B.
Ride The Pine
Published in
1 min readNov 11, 2011

That is not a photoshop job. Seriously.

As the Penn State Child-Abuse/Jerry-Sandusky-Should-be-Castrated/Joe Paterno-Hear-No-Evil-Speak-No-Evil-See-No-Evil story continues to develop. It seems like there were plenty of warning signs that should have told us that Jerry Sandusky was up to no good.

If you checked out the most recent episode of Ride The Pine [Penn State Scandal], we showed a clip of Sandusky coaching some tackling drills with teenage boys and inappropriately holding their waist and awkwardly standing close behind them as they kids are bent-over. I called that footage “Exhibit A!”

Get Ready for Exhibit B!

Jerry Sandusky’s autobiography titled, “Touched.” That is not a photoshop job. Seriously. Check out the screen cap below from

The nerve of this fucking guy.

By the way, who put together the cover of this book? It looks terrible.

