MLB Network Earthquake Freakout

Alex B.
Ride The Pine
Published in
2 min readAug 26, 2011

Welcome to, every time there’s a big United States soccer victory — male or female — commentators always ask the question, is this going to start the soccer boom in America. Guess what, it never does. You want to get American children excited about soccer? Show this video at every soccer camp in the country and I promise you, the boom will begin. [YouTube]

ESPN raised the question, what if Philadelphia Eagles Quarterback Michael Vick was white? Well, for one thing he would look like a creepy magician or an extra on the Jersey Shore. [ESPN]

Is there a lower position on the sports totem pole than backup quarterback for the Indianapolis Colts. Seriously, the punter has a bigger impact on their team. Current Colts backup Curtis Painter had the opportunity, for the first time in his career to maybe start 1 (ONE) game for an injured Peyton Manning. Instead, the Colts have dragged Kerry Collins out of retirement. What’s the point of a backup, it they ain’t going to backup.

If you made it this far in this episode, you are about to be rewarded. [ — MLB Network’s Fantasy 411 Freakout during Earthquake]

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