Ohio State Freshman Tries To Play It Cool After Braxton Miller Dis

Alex B.
Ride The Pine
Published in
1 min readSep 29, 2013

“No big deal, I had to scratch my neck anyway.” — Ohio State white guy.

Ohio State invited walk-on Freshman quarterback Reid Worstell probably thought that he and Braxton Miller were tight because they play the same position on the same team. Not so fast, my friend.

After Ohio State beat Wisconsin 31–24 last night, Worstell tried to give a celebratory high-five to Miller. Except, Miller hugged the two players on either side of Worstell and left Reid hanging with his hand in the air.

Trying to pretend like he wasn’t snubbed, Worstell used his hand to scratch his neck. Classic move. I wonder if he also pretends to yawn when he tries to put his arm around a girl at the movie theater?

