Opening Day 2012

Alex B.
Ride The Pine
Published in
2 min readApr 6, 2012

Welcome to

Someone recently asked me to describe what I do on this show. I see myself as the mommy bird and you are all my baby birds and I take everything in the sports world, chew it up for you and then feed you from my mouth to yours.

Not literally, that is just gross!

Show of hands, how many people knew that the baseball season started last night?

I DID because Baseball is LIFE and the rest is just details. No Fear!

I bet you were watching it because you’re a big fan of the St Louis Cardinals or Miami Marlins , right? That’s a lie.

You were watching for the same reason that I was watching. Hoping that one of the bikini-clad girls in the Marlins Park pool, called Clevelander , would lose their top .

Congrats to the University of Kentucky who won their 8th National Championship. Maybe Coach Cal wont have to vacate this Final Four, it would be the first time.

They say that the true character of a person is how they act after defeat.

You know what would be less embarrassing for Pau Gasol ? If Blake Griffin just pooped on the floor of his living room. At least the whole world wouldn’t see it.

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Ride The Pine : Opening Day 2012

