When Will Franco Harris Just Let This Joe Paterno Thing Go?

Alex B.
Ride The Pine
Published in
2 min readSep 2, 2012
Franco Harris Has Joe Paterno Cutout

I know your life and career is signified by one magical “immaculate reception” that pulled victory out of certain defeat but Franco Harris just let this one go. Its over.

The former Penn State running back as taken the main(solo) defender position of Joe Paterno to the extreme by placing a cardboard cutout of Paterno holding a sign “Due Process for PSU JVP” in his box. First off, this is terrible marketing. When has anyone referred to Paterno as JVP? Next game change that to “Joe Pa.”

Anyway, Harris’ main claim is that the infamous Freeh Report jumps to conclusions while lacking sufficient evidence and interviews from some of the key players in this investigation. Harris is right about those interviews because Freeh was asked by state prosecutors to rely on grand jury testimonies because as perjury trials are in process.

Lets play the Franco Harris game a second. He feels that Penn State and more importantly Joe Paterno did everything they were suppose to in handling of the Jerry Sandusky allegations. If this was a true, why would Penn State agree to the largest penalties in college football history, ($60 million and sanctions that will set the program back almost 10 years and probably revenues into the $100s of millions). Does he think that Penn State officials just jumped at that offer? Does he think that Penn State would just willingly give away all that money (and future earnings) without knowing the facts?

Let it go Franco, let it go.

