Would You Go To a Washington Wizards Game for $.50?

Alex B.
Ride The Pine
Published in
2 min readJan 11, 2012

So I was trolling around Facebook today when a college friend of mine talked about the pathetic state of the Washington Wizards. Here is his post exactly:

Washington Wizards Tickets for $.50

“Here is a funny stat about the state of the Washington Wizards: Last night, for their first win of the season, you could actually get tickets to the game on Stub Hub, for less than a buck (98 cents to be exact). If you wanted to be a big spender, then you could have parked it in the lower bowl for under $30. The same lower bowl seats for a Caps game would have cost you no less than $125.”

I thought the 98 cents thing seemed a little ridiculous and might be a marketing ploy so our research team (me) decided to get down to the truth.

What I found is shocking and even worse than my friend knew about! The image to the right was posted by @TedStarkey a staff writer for the Washington Times and author.


Hit up the comment section below and tell me, Would you still go to a Wizard game if you could get tickets this cheap??

Note: Look at those fees. $5 service fee, $4.95 Instant Download fee for only a $.50 ticket.

This franchise is in bad shape. The only guy I know on that team without doing some research is John Wall.

It might be time to move the franchise. I heard Seattle is nice this time of the year.

Don’t forget to comment below!

