Ocean and Shadow, You Live On in My Heart.

Ride The Wave
Published in
2 min readApr 19, 2024
Photo by Alvan Nee on Unsplash

Ocean and Shadow, I hope the destination was worth the pain. The torture a young pup should never go through—I watched it snatch you both away. Your fight didn’t go unnoticed; you were heroes of any day.

The barking of two strong dogs battling the grim reaper till their final breath. The cold hands of death snatched them out of my warm embrace. Leaving me with the burning memory of pain tearing them both apart, bit by bit.

I thought of everything we could do together, and breathing your last wasn’t part of the plan. It always seemed like I could hear you clearly, despite the distance. The echoing questions I delusionally provided answers to, believing you would come back.

Photo by Vitaly Gariev on Unsplash

I like to take long walks, and I like to dance. Do you love cuddling? I love it too. I want you to sprawl on my bed and claim it for yourselves. I don’t mind being disturbed by your infant heads on my thighs.

We would run around the house. We’ll be partners in crime, leaving trails of footprints and paw prints whenever we make a mess. Netflix will be our escape plan after wearing ourselves out. I’ll brag about our close relationship when I’m asked about my pups.

If you snuggle into the sheets, I’ll snuggle closer. I wouldn’t need to tell you all these if you stayed a little longer. You weren’t just dogs; you were my life support. I hope you’ve made new friends in dog land.

I hope your pains are long gone and all that’s left is hopping around milk fountains. I hope you talk about me to your friends just like I talk about you. This isn’t goodbye, Ocean and Shadow, because I can’t let go. I will only be at ease with your new home, which isn’t with me.

Photo by T.R Photography 📸 on Unsplash

I hope you both know I love you so much, and your space is forever reserved in my heart. Journey on, pups. You would have been tough puppies. I wouldn’t be scared to walk alone at night with both of you by my side.

Enjoy Dog Land.

I never stopped hoping they’d come back. 😔 Life works in different ways and hope is a profound life’s element.



Ride The Wave

You are not alone, I promise. Join me for daily doses of reality, served through a blend of fiction, non-fiction, articles, blogs, and poetry.