The Hidden Joys of Hard Times

Cherry Thoughts 🌸
Ride The Wave
Published in
2 min read2 days ago

I recently got inspired while watching Going Seventeen episode 102, "13 Angry Men." They discussed an interesting topic: "Does Happiness You’re Not Aware of in the Moment Still Count as Happiness?" This topic got me thinking about how we experience happiness and whether we need to be conscious of it right away to consider it as happiness.

For me, it turns out that both being happy in the moment and looking back at happy times are important. Sometimes, we’re so caught up in life that we overlook the little moments of joy. But later, when we take a step back and reflect, we realize those moments were special.

I thought about my own tough times—moments when I struggled and felt overwhelmed. Back then, I might not have noticed any happiness at all. But now, when I look back, I see how those challenges helped shape who I am today. It’s like I can finally appreciate how far I’ve come.

This led me to realize that it’s not just about being aware of happiness in the moment. Sometimes, it’s about what you learn from those experiences later on. Realization is key here. When you understand how your struggles helped you grow, you can feel happiness even if you didn’t notice it at the time.

So, yes, happiness can come from realizing that those hard times were worth it. It’s comforting to know that even when we’re not aware of our happiness right away, we can still find it when we look back.

In the end, I learned that happiness is a mix of being aware and realizing what we’ve been through. It’s about appreciating both the good times and the lessons from the tough ones. And that’s a pretty powerful way to find joy in life.

What about you? What do you think about this?

