When Letting Go is Too Painful: Coping with Loss — 5 Heartfelt Tips

We all experience loss, whether it’s the loss of a loved one, a dream, or even our health. How do we manage?

Jolanda de Koff
Ride The Wave


This is Babbe, my beloved wolfdog. Her full name is ‘Babbe Fleur Forza Di Canelupi.’ She was my best friend and constant companion for fourteen years.
Photo by Author — Jolanda de Koff. My Wolfdog “Babbe Fleur Forza Di Canelupi” ❤️️

Every Loss is Profound. About a year and a half ago, I had to put my wolfdog, Babbe, to sleep. She had been my best friend, rock, and everything for fourteen years. Every day, I miss her look, love, and presence. Babbe was just always there.

This is Babbe, my beloved wolfdog. Her full name is ‘Babbe Fleur Forza Di Canelupi.’ She was my best friend and constant companion for fourteen years, always bringing joy with her presence.
Photo by Author — Jolanda de Koff. My Wolfdog “Babbe Fleur Forza Di Canelupi” ❤️️

Even though I’ve lost many other loved ones, the feeling is different and incomparable. This clearly shows that every story is unique and every grief is valid.

Nobody else can relate to how you're feeling right now.
It makes no difference if you're mourning the death of a friend, family member, pet, miscarriage, unmet desire for children, strained relationships, lost future dreams, or disease that has taken your health away.

You have also lost a part of yourself with this loss. You feel broken and incomplete. There’s a missing puzzle piece; no other piece can fill that spot in your life.

