Why You Should Study Abroad

Mischa Brant
Ride The Wave
Published in
4 min readJul 10, 2024

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Photo by Mikhail Brant

“To awaken quite alone in a strange town is one of the pleasantest sensations in the world”

— Freya Stark

I had the opportunity to leave my life behind for a year and move to Norway for school. I gained knowledge, created meaningful relationships, and cultivated a desire for what else was out there for me to explore.

During my time away from home, I learned valuable lessons, some of which I would love to share. But these lessons would carry me through my days and even help me today. I wasn’t in the best of mindsets when I decided to leave home. I was still trying to figure out who I was and what I wanted to do. But I kept an open perspective of everything, no matter how bad it would get.

When getting ready to leave your home and step outside, you’re about to leave your comfort zone. According to Harvard Summer School, leaving your comfort zone has many benefits. For example, you can gain confidence by challenging yourself, expanding your world by putting yourself in situations that may not be normal, and much more.

I decided to live in a country that spoke a different language, and although I did my best to learn it, I was always the odd man out. Every morning, we had a big meeting, and they only spoke Norwegian, which was fine with me, but I had to gather my information through other means.

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This led to the first lesson of grit. Through my troubles and tribulations, I chose to keep waking up every day and pushing through. I was thousands of miles away from home and had no backup plan, so I was there to stay. I remember that last day of school, thinking I had gotten through every morning assembly, barely knowing what they were saying.

Through this grit, I developed healthy habits that carry me into every day. In my previous article, I explained the benefits and whys of waking up early, one of these found habits.

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Another lesson I learned and am aware of every moment of my day is the art of gratitude. Most of our lives, we are busy working, staring down at our phone, or off doing the next important thing. But I promise, if we take a moment of our day to smell the roses, you will feel safe . We must endure the life we have achieved and created, and if we do not like where we are, we have the daily choice to change it.

I felt that If I left home, I would run away from the person I was. But in reality, that person would always be there within me. My responsibility was to change who I would be for the rest of my life.

We aren't doomed; we are blessings in disguise. And I believe everything happens for a reason. The reason is that we can change how we see ourselves and the world around us.

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One of the most important lessons I learned from studying abroad was that fear is just a part of the mind. It is a little voice that acts big and scary, like a bully with insecurities beyond our possibilities. That little voice tries to take control of everything, controlling us to flee from the potential we hold. We must accept who we are and accept that this world is scary.

Fear reminds me of the inner child who tries hard to hold onto what it knows. But all that child needs is to hold your hand and walk forward together. After all, we’re all in this together. Once we accept what scares us, we can find the strength to climb the mountain. And upon climbing the mountain, that voice slowly goes away. It becomes obsolete.

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We’re filled with so much potential and gifts; we must allow ourselves to find them.

I hope you enjoyed reading, and have a wonderful day!



Mischa Brant
Ride The Wave

Student, Passionate Writer, World Traveler, Aviator