Letter from the Saddle

Bike East Bay
Published in
2 min readNov 11, 2022
Welcome Jill Holloway, Co-Executive Director of People and Operations!

Fall is here, we’re pulling out our warm jackets again to ride around town, and Bike East Bay is welcoming a season of change. As I prepare to leave my role as Executive Director in December, I am very excited to introduce Bike East Bay members to the many staff members who are stepping up to new leadership. You may already know some of them.

Robert Prinz, our long-time Education Director, will be putting on a new hat as Advocacy Director. As Education Director, Robert successfully grew the education program and developed a leadership pipeline for women and people of color to become League Certified Instructors. He will be taking these capacity building skills to grow our community organizing strategy. Robert is following in the footsteps and tire tracks of Dave Campbell, who has served the past 11 years as a staff member and will be departing after 20 years as a deeply committed volunteer, board member, and one of Bike East Bay’s first paid staff. You can read about Dave’s groundbreaking advocacy achievements on page 3.

My role this fall is to recruit a new face to the organization, the Co-Executive Director of Mobility Justice. Rather than rehiring a traditional Executive Director, I am very excited that Bike East Bay is centering both equity and shared leadership in crafting this position. The Co-ED will lead Bike East Bay’s advocacy and movement building strategies, as well as partner with the Co-Executive Director of People and Operations on the big job of running our growing organization.

Stepping up to the other Co-Executive Director position will be current Operations Director Jill Holloway. Jill first found her calling as a bike advocate after moving to Concord and feeling uncomfortable riding on busy streets without safe bicycling infrastructure. Now a resident of Berkeley, she brings to Bike East Bay a background in environmental engineering, her entrepreneurial skills as the former owner of a zero-waste cafe in Oakland, and a strong commitment to sustainability. Jill says, “From community organizing to centering leaders of color to advocating for mobility justice, we are in a transformational moment. I’m excited about the role Bike East Bay will play in bringing about that change.”

Thank you Bike East Bay members for your support during my tenure as Executive Director. I look forward to passing the handlebars to this awesome squad of leaders in the new year!

Ride On,

Ginger Jui
Executive Director

RideOn is Bike East Bay’s regular member magazine. Learn more and join the movement: BikeEastBay.org/Join



Bike East Bay
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Improving your ride through advocacy, education, and fun events. BikeEastBay.org