1,000,000,000 and counting

Is it a human population problem, or a car population problem?

Team Carma
Rideshares & Carpools


by Lawrence Mulligan

July 11th is “World Population Day” established 25 years ago to raise awareness of our global population issues. As of January 1, 2014, the world’s population is estimated to be 7,137,661,030 and growing. As the number of people inhabiting our small blue planet, so does the concern about of finite number of resources.

Here’s some quick questions our rising population raises (no pun intended):

  • Do we have enough space? Enough food? Enough oil?
  • Would we really screw things up if everyone lived the way we do in the West?
  • Are there enough resources for all 7 billion of us to own an iPad? What if we all want an upgrade each year?
  • Is it feasible for everyone to own, and drive, a car?

For the curious, off the top of my head the answers to the above are: Yes, yes, probably not, yes, doubt it, I guess not, and hell no!

Ready to cull the car? Carma is the breakthrough app for real ridesharing. Real people, sharing rides. Not pretend taxi cabs with facial hair!



Team Carma
Rideshares & Carpools

Carma Carpooling allows you to set up carpools and share the cost of driving, all from your smartphone. Download for iPhone or Android and get there together!