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My minutes of fame up here in Duved

João R.G. Sampaio
Riding Diaries
2 min readAug 25, 2021


When I wrote about my decision to move up here to Åre/Duved, I didn’t expect it to attract the amount of attention that it did. Suddenly, I started receiving lots of comments and questions about moving to the mountains, living in northern Sweden and other kinds of stuff.

Another group of people that found me through this article were the ones working at Tasteget.Nu, a project financed by the government of the region of Jämtland Härjedalen aiming on promoting the region as an attractive area to live and work, helping people that always dreamed about living closer to the mountains and nature.

We had quite a nice chat on the phone where they asked me all about where I came from, why I decided to move here and so on. A few weeks later, they came to my house with camera equipment to record some interview footage and also some footage about my regular daily life here, which included my usual snowboarding at lunch routine. It was quite fun to be followed around down the mountain by a cameraman with professional recording equipment. It made me feel like those pro athletes on snowboarding videos for a day! ;)

A few shots from the “making of” of this production.

The result of the phone interviews and these two days of recording are in this article they published on their website on this link: João left the stress of Brazil’s biggest city for Duved (or, in Swedish, João lämnade stressen i Brasilien för lugnet i Duved)

You can watch the video on their website or you can just watch it down here (and, yes, I speak “like” a lot 😅):

Do you have any questions about living up here in northern Sweden? You can ask me anything on the comments section below.

Cheers and have a good ride!



João R.G. Sampaio
Riding Diaries

Programming as a career, snowboarding as a passion, writing as a hobby.