Five things about tech rider introduction

Neveli Niit
Published in
2 min readJul 29, 2018
Photo by Joshua Sorenson on Unsplash

The tech rider introduction should not be overlooked as it’s the start of the agreement which you will make with a concert organizer.

After all, if the beginning of the tech rider is written poorly then who wants to put emphasis on reading the rest.

The introduction should:

  1. Encourage people to contact your crew when problems occur —

Most problems can be solved but only if both sides are aware of them far enough in advance. Make sure you mention the person’s name and contact details who is available when problems do occur.

2. Let them know that any changes made to the tech rider may be made only if the production manager (or whoever responsible) agrees in writing —

Agreement in writing is a protection to both sides as it makes sure that future arguments can be solved fast.

3. Should specify the cases when there is a need for additional documents —

For example, if you need certificates of proper assembly or electric facilities then it’s the right place to address those needs.

4. Be clear about between whom the agreement is going to be made —

The rider can be a contract between different parties (for example, artist, producer, purchaser etc).

5. Add definitions —

If your tech rider has uncommon wording used then it would be wise to define what you mean by it to prevent any misunderstandings in the future.



Neveli Niit

CEO of Ridline. Striving towards technology and creativity symbiosis as well as blending entrepreneurial mindset into the mixture.