Visual Studio Code Most Common Shortcuts — Available as a PDF Download

Christoph Schweres
Published in
1 min readJun 29, 2024

A link, once found somewhere on the web, pointed to the Visual Studio Code pages where…

…PDFs of the (most important/majority of) shortcuts were featured! And that for macOS, Linux, and Windows! Available for download as a single A4 sheet.
I guess that’s not all of available shortcuts in VSCode — but be assured: You’ll spend Days testing just from the paper.
And even more time to keep the most worthy in mind — and use them every day…

Incredibly useful, so here are the links:

[Windows Shortcuts](

[MacOS Shortcuts](

[Linux Shortcuts](

Unfortunately, I can’t credit the author of that page (which is, of course, the right thing to do) because the page is no longer available.

Here is the original page for your reference:



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Christoph Schweres
Christoph Schweres

Written by Christoph Schweres

TYPO3 Certified Integrator - with lots of other interests, focussing on GenAI atm. LinkedIn-Profile:

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