What does a rigger do?

Jeremy Huggins
Rigging Equipment
Published in
2 min readNov 1, 2014


Riggers are the backbone of Australia’s industrial sector. Without these blue collar workers, our country would stop in it’s tracks.

A rigger is a person you uses heavy equipment to move heavy objects. Heavy equipment would include cranes and forklifts, but also the accessories required to get the most out of them such as spreader beams, forklift jibs and more.

A rigger is essential in construction. Take the building of a new shopping center for example, it would take a crane operator to move the large pieces of fabricated concrete to form the walls, floors and roof for each level. Advancements in the construction industry has made it possible for large structures like this to be almost setup overnight, with the bulk of the work to follow by other contractors.

Mining is another sector where highly trained riggers are employed to extract oils and minerals which are used globally. Without the use of heavy equipment, this would simply not be possible, as they are located far beneath the earth for traditional digging tools.

Riggers are also found working on the docks. Heavy duty equipment is required to take off and load the shipping containers coming and going each day.

It’s not just the day to day operation of heavy duty equipment that a rigger performs. They are also responsible for the maintenance and repair of this equipment. Failure to properly look after the equipment can result in accidents and even death, so it is essential for the rigger to know the limitations of the rigging equipment they are in charge of operating.



Jeremy Huggins
Rigging Equipment

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