View from the Cassini probe which has been orbiting Saturn since 2004 and continues to send back beautiful images and data.

Darkness opens up the view

Iain MacLaren
Right Ascension
Published in
1 min readNov 1, 2016


The clock jumped back an hour this weekend and dusk has begun creeping ever closer to the afternoon. The end of our European Summer Time, but the beginning, again, of long nights spent gazing skywards. No better time, then to relaunch ‘Right Ascension’ — a temporary blog I ran during the International Year of Astronomy (2009) and which some kind friends claimed to have missed ever since.

I’ll be posting here on as the platform of choice, and sprinkling news of interesting things to observe over more extended articles on key topics in astronomy and astrophysics.

In the meantime, I’ll leave you with your first observing goal. Nov 2nd, just after sunset look to the south-west and you should be able to see Venus, Saturn and a crescent Moon. Go on, see if you can spot them.

