Escaping The Luciferian Cabal

Right on Radio
Right on Radio
Published in
32 min readSep 1, 2020

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Welcome to Right on Radio MI, her host. My name is Jeff, I want to thank you for listening to this. And to date, I have a very special guest. I’m extremely honored to have her on… We actually talked a couple days ago and spent a couple of hours rather together, and she has agreed to this interview… She doesn’t do very many interviews. So I’m very pleased, and I will tell you that when you listen to this interview, your life will probably not be the same, and there will be some graphic material disgusting-ness, and I would highly advise that children are not in the room listening to this. However, this is something you definitely need to listen to, so it is my great pleasure to welcome my guest, Jesse Czebotar. Thank you for joining Right on Radio.

Yeah, thanks for having me, Jeff.

Now, Jesse, your story is one that almost nobody else in the world could tell, there are other people who have gone through what you did, and you have seen things as a child that no human being should ever see.

And before we get into some of those things, I just want to give the audience a bigger picture, I’ve heard you describe this organization, which a lot of people would know as the Illuminati or the brotherhood, the people who essentially have run this world for thousands of years. If you could just give a brief description of who they are, and how big are they? And what is their intention?

Yeah, the proper name really is the brotherhood, and they go all the way back to the habits… From the land of earth or the land of Canaan. That was the land that God called Abraham out of when he made him the promise that he’d make him a great nation and give them his own land. So it ties all the way back to that time, and then Abraham, once he had sons and they had sons, so the the Israeli became a a part of these elite blood lines that are manifesting today as this Luciferian brotherhood, the tribe of Joseph was even two inheritances so that’s how you come up with the number 13 instead of 12.And then you also had Abraham had a done with this made servant Hagar, and that was Ismail. So Ishmael, then his line became the 14th bloodline of these elite individuals who Seleucia or in guys or behind the scene, a lot of them have cover lives as Christians or as Jewish families, but at the core, they all serve Lucifer, the… Now, these people, they’ve had divine knowledge for thousands of years. The Lucifer Lucifer knows the Bible better than I would say most Christians, if not all Christians, because he’s had thousands of years to read it, and he’s actually met the author.

I’m good.

So having said that, he’s been able to establish great power on this Earth, and in fact, if you went after the 40 days of temptation, when the devil said to Jesus, bow down to me, I’m paraphrasing, and I’ll give you all of the kings of kingdoms in the world, in other words, he was already claiming that he had all of the kingdoms in the world. Is that right?

You just claim that, yes.

That is from what the Bible describes when he was cast from Heaven because of his pride, he basically claimed that he was God, that He would rise up as God, not only of the Earth, but of the heavens. And that’s when God cast him down to the Earth, and his agenda still to this day is that He will rise up and you serve the throne of God and be God.

And so these 13 families in other ethereal, but I attend a… So as a… There’s 13 families and these families today, and I know that you are able to name some names and not able to name other names, and for the point of this part of the conversation, I don’t think it’s important to name the names, but it is head of state its royal families. It’s in law enforcement, their people high up in the churches, they’ve actually infiltrated every aspect of our society. Is that correct?

That is correct.

And it’s a pretty huge infiltration… We were talking yesterday about the… Probably one out of every six individuals in just in America is involved in this. I would go as far as to say even one out of every two, not everybody may be aware that they are actively involved, but in some parts they’re participating in the system, whether they know it or not, with the system is programmed people through media, through movies, through all kinds of things to normalize certain behaviors that are actually in worship of Satan, and even Christians are doing things that are in worship of Satan today. Is that correct?

Yeah, that is correct.

You see it in everything, especially in TV and media, programs like Disney, they’re putting out stuff that’s programming children… It’s pretty as… It’s an education system. I’ve showed some stories where I grew up going to…

I show up at school at first that then would be taken out of school for some of the training that I had to do, they would always mark me present that I was rarely ever actually in school.

So even the schools, at least some of the schools to select schools or they have individuals individuals placed in these schools to monitor and protect this system.

Yeah, I had… My school was a regular public school, but almost everybody who was there was involved at some level and would cover up, the children really were not there, that we were in training some place of…

This is staggering for anyone to hear, and particularly if you haven’t believed in God and you don’t believe in the devil, but this is absolutely real, and Jesse has had first-hand accounts with this, Jesse has met the anti-Christ herself on more than one occasion, and we’re gonna get into some of this, but just to understand the size and the scope, and I wanna inject a positive note because so far, this seems pretty dire than the world, every 6 house away from you is a Sans, is A… Is not a positive thing, Jess, from some of the research that I’ve done and some observations that have been happening in the last couple of years, in particular, it seems that his control, that is the enemy loafers control has been waning for a short period of time, do you see that, I do see that. Even scripture talks about that, that there will be a period of time that the Lord allows where he will be bringing the captains out of the darkness. Some of the select verses that talk about that are in mice, where the Lord says, I will bring out the lane and be afflicted in the oppressed, and I will make them into a mighty army. Some of those passages talk about these people out of the darkness, rising up on the mountains and singing the praises of the Lord, the praises are because he’s redeemed them with such a great price. So we see that all throughout scripture, this concept of God revealing what’s in the darkness, and with that he’s revealing the captives and bringing them out, and I absolutely see that, and this is a topic I do want to cover with you and perhaps you’ll grace us with another interview or two after this, but I think there’s also a warning in there, and it comes from Exodus and the… And I see a bit of a parallel on the time is when the captains were set free, but then life was good and they didn’t stick to it, and I think there’s maybe just a warning that we should discuss in a future topic.

So just getting back, and I wanna start with your childhood, and just as we get into that, I wanna transition into it by saying you had mentioned that there’s the 13 families in the 13 blood lines.

Now, you were actually chosen for your goal, which is a very significant role in this because of your blood lines… Yeah, the blood lines as well as spiritual gifts. So with that, my family line is made up of about 10 of those blood lines, these families have spent a lot of time throughout history, doing genetics in a way, what we can call a greeting selection, so they’ve found a way to breed certain families together and certain individuals that have certain spiritual gift, and then the offspring then are more likely to have the spiritual gifts that the system is looking for, so that was what happened in my case, was that the speed generations interbreeding for this elect position. And I was born with the high level of the prophetic, the intercessory, and the spiritual discernment gift where I could see here and feeling the spirit world, and that was vital for the connection that they wanted the future mother, Queen, Mother of darkness to have with Satan. You have to be able to hear in SE and send him to be able to communicate with him in The Other demonic generals.

So, so again, we’re talking about a huge amount of sophistication in the trial things, not only in just in business and then, but in the spiritual, which really the spiritual controls the world, anything that happens in this world is created in the spirit first. And you had mentioned the mothers of darkness and everything, and I really wanna start off with kind of a normal childhood that you experienced, but before I do is you had mentioned this was hundreds of years in the planning, and really the culmination of… This was going to be for April of this year, and we’ll get into that perhaps a little bit later in the interview, but I… This one, I say this was really well planned, and Jesse was placed very specifically for a high role, so that’s just start out kind of at the beginning because you were a young person, you ended up going to church with your family and you became saved by the Lord Jesus Christ before you entered into the Satanic cult. And that’s gonna be very hard for people to get their heads around, but… Yeah, what do you… Just kinda give us an overview, and I’m just gonna let you be a talk here for a little bit… Without too much interruption.

Yeah, so I was born into a family where one side of my family were what I would call your holiday Christian, they attended Sunday service once in a while, primarily on holidays, and that was at the Lutheran church.

And then the other side of my family were very developed Catholic, so they were attended mass regularly and confession and all of the things that they were supposed to do for their faith background. So with the story really goes back to my mother, that she grew up in this Catholic household, and as she did, she experienced some of this cover life that they were living, that they’re Christianity, their faith was really a cover for what was really going on behind the scenes in this family, and there were certain relatives who were involved in this Liberian brotherhood behind the scenes, and so she experienced a lot of abuse from them, and when she was 18, she fled from the family, she had grown up, she had some memories. The things that she tried to share or the memories that she had that she vocalized, they really went down play in teller that she was crazy, that it was made up, that it was her imagination that she was lying. So she really, really struggled. There was nobody to list the… Nobody to believe her.

So the best thing that she could do was just flee, and she thought she’d be safe in the military, they allowed her to do that, and that’s where she met my father and married, and shortly after they had me and stuff, and… Anyway, one story short, a couple of years later, when I was two, we had our house pipes freeze, and we had to move in with one of my dad’s brothers, and he was a Christian, and he and his wife began to witness to my mom and ended up asking us to go to church with them.

And so it was there at that church that that’s where I started really hearing the word of God and a lot of hymns and songs, and that was through this little old and who worked in the nursery, and I’m pretty sure with the only child in there at the time, but I’m really thankful she was not somebody to water down the word of God, even though I was this little toddler, she’d set me on her lap and opened up that Bible, and she just start reading from the actual word of God. And I can remember even at that young age that my heart would leap when I would hear the word of God and I knew it was true, and it in fact, like when she read me the story of John the Baptist, and she kinda had paraphrased a couple of things. And that said, that he cried out, get ready, get ready. Jesus is coming.

I then took that phrase and I started telling everybody, wherever we were… We went to the grocery store, I was telling him, Get ready, Jesus is coming.

And that one thing I knew was true even at that young age, and so all of that was really vital, this woman, just her reading the real word of God to me and singing These old hands and teaching me some of the Baptist Children’s Bible songs that they teach the Bible, and we’re in the Army of the Lord. And to some of those, billing ended up becoming the weapons that I had going into this cultic training, I didn’t have people that I could turn to once that training started, that I could tell what was going on. I had no idea about what spiritual worker was, I literally was face-to-face with the enemy every day, and I had… The Lord himself had to teach me how to overcome in the situation, it wasn’t like some of the other children, and I’m not trying to compare in a bad way, but with my position, I went through the program that I was not programmed to with… Some times when they select children to carry out a position in the system, they will mentally program you… Their base program is called monarch, and that it has a lot of different forms. So some people might hear MK ultra or the Delta Program or Carol. Those are all different forms of this Manor programming, and what it does is that with each step, I kinda compare it to a business model, and the program is like the file cabinet or filing system, so as they put you into these situations with these traumatic events that are meant to make somebody disassociate, and as you disassociate, tellin these demonic spirit beans to you, and these spirits will keep you from remembering the traumatic event, unless they want me to access that file, and you were not programmed, was it because you had some protection on you or because of the person you were to become within this system and that position needed someone to be a free thinker, I guess, right? It wasn’t even the free thinker, my job was to know the system and to know how it runs, and to be able to ensure that it was running properly, so with that, they needed me not to be programmed, it didn’t mean that I was exempt from any of the traumatic event, part of the testing for me taking that position was that I had to learn to really cope with the evil that I saw… Yeah, I didn’t have a chance to self-medicate or just associate at all, it was just pure having to cope with that, and so I wanna get into where your training started and just before I do, because I’ve heard other interviews with you, Jesse, it seemed to me correct me if I’m wrong, but even the marriage of your parents seem to be somewhat orchestrated and how you were moved around was orchestrated, and that as a toddler, after having this experience with this lady and giving you the tools that you needed in the Lord and really becoming a Christian at such a young age with your soul leaping out, hearing His word because you’re so sensitive to the Spirit, but then you ended up moving to Chicago and moving in with some family numbers, and that’s really where this story in the system or the Brotherhood began for you.

Yeah, so Chicago was the main place that… And how one… Were you here at Chicago?

About four and a half. So that was the main training center that they had me sent to, and that was through the cathedral… Saint Peter is there in Rockford, Illinois, to the satanic Training Center. In a cathedral?


Okay, so it introduced me… Would walk me through that first day when you arrived at the home you would be staying with in Chicago…

I probably can’t talk about the first day at the home… That it was shortly after that, I had got there. And I think one of the first things that happened was that they collected me with some other children, about 20 kids in a classroom, and it was, I wanna say was her first day of kindergarten, but it was… The first day was like a meeting day where you got to go and meet the teachers. And what I remember there were several of the mothers of darkness who were present there, and they had this special box with all these different colic items in a… So they had a suit in circle and in the middle, they made another circle with all these cultic items, so I… They have things like a feather and a black shawl, and a candle and a tarot card, just strange things that we didn’t even know what they were at that time, and they told us that we were gonna play a game, and the game was that each of us kids got to get up one by one, and we got to pick one of those items, and then we had to put it back down and sit back down where we were in the circle, and I remember as they were putting out these items and they were explaining things, I was kind of a funky child and question everything, and in my mind, I thought He… It is A… This doesn’t seem like a fun game, like what’s the purpose of picking and either if you have to put it back, right.

And when I said some of that stuff, the little boy next to me, he started laughing, and we kind of got this weird look, and in my mind, I said, can you hear me?

And he… He was like, Yes.

So this individual ended up being the boy that they trained to be my protector on my training partner, but that was our first day, and so we went through this selection process and E-H to pick our items, and it was done right there in a classroom in the school and the purpose of choosing these items is to determine your gifting S…

Yeah, it was to show what fire… Each of those items was connected to a spirit, so it was showing which spirits you were most drawn to and what type of magic you were most drawn to, and the other people in the room, he had mentioned these Queen mothers of darkness, they’re there to observe this so it’s unusual to have… For anyone who’s been in kindergarten, you have a teacher, you have the students, but in this case, there’s a bunch of… Well, a parent type people, I guess inside the room, they would come in claiming to be volunteers, so if anybody would have come in that day, it would have looked just like volunteers playing this game with kids, nobody had any idea that they were actually testing for people’s positions to go into the manor programming, that’s part of the job of the mothers is to discern what spiritual gift children have, what their spiritual abilities are, which demonic spirits they can connect them to, and then on to put them into training for the position that they will be invest in the system. According to the spiritual gifts, and what items did you choose?

Well, I didn’t know until later that it actually was not one that they had placed, so I chose this… I’ll just say this item, and I held it up proudly and my proctor, which that’s another name for my main trainer, she gave me this weird look and she said, What did you… What are you doing?

And I said, I picked my item. And she said, And what did you hit?

And it was a sword, and what I didn’t know was that it was completely in the spiritual realm, so everybody who could see it in the spirit realm could see clearly what I had picked, but it was not an item that the other people who couldn’t see in the spirit realm could see.

So right then and there, the Lord was showing them that I was to be a warrior for God.

It really surprised them home, and I found out later that it was something that the Lord had a lot of me to see there, and then when I picked it up they… And they knew that it was something they had not but there… So at four and a half years old, they’re starting to think that you’re gonna be a thorn in their side.


But let’s get into these Queen mothers things. First of all, tell me a little bit about what the role of the Queen, Mother of darkness is. And if you can, I know it’s not easy to share, but you had quite an introduction, you might say, with your proctor… Yeah, can you get into the roles and then what happened?

Yeah, so the role of the Queen Mother particularly, is to work in conjunction with Satan had in hand and to ensure that the system is running exactly as he wants it to run, they communicate with him regularly.

Yeah, so we’d be in meetings every single night with him, and he would dictate word for word his agenda and exactly what he wanted done then the following day.

And how many of these Queen mothers are there?

There are five in the world… Yes, I only experienced five. There are some individuals like Rising Meyer who claim that there are more then just in… But by the time I was 10, I was fully trained to take my position, and I never met a single one outside of those five, and I knew the five successors who would take their places, so in my experience, I never knew any other ones, I did know sometimes the Grand High Priest is, is we’re also called mothers, and they were kind of the face front for who the real mothers were, so they would be called mother, so I proposed to him that maybe that was where he was getting the extra numbers from, that as far as I knew, there was only five and all of the end time rituals that we practiced for… Only involved those five.

So in time rituals, and you were chosen to be part of the N-time rival, which sounds significant to say that we’re in and times, because ever since Jesus was on the cross, we’ve been in the M times, essentially the clock has been ticking down, but it sounds like it’s getting close, no one knows the date, don’t knows the tie, but we’re in a season for certain… So tell me about how you learned that you were gonna be the successor and you were about four and a half years old at this time still, right?

Yeah, I… Yeah, so actually that it was literally decreed by state, so they had put me through a series of test after that first initial testing day, some of that involved seven individuals who at least high priest or the ANA councilmen, and some of them were… All two of them were mothers of darkness, besides date, in telling them that I was going to be the chosen successor because of my gifts, they also read the Tricorder, and what was interesting was that usually when they’re doing these readings, they’ll all turn out different or they might get something similar, but with it, every single one of them pulled the is back, same cards, and those cards told each of them would be that I was an enemy of the system, and then I would be part of tearing it down and destroying it.

So that was very interesting. Ironically, I had… When I first started doing my David Solis, I had a woman who also, she thought heard my show and she did a terrain and she pulled all the exact same cards except for the last one.

So that was interesting, eight times of my life.

Every single time.

They get the exact same answer.

So these individuals… Yeah. They knew from the very beginning that I was chosen by God for something specific. I question why state and went ahead and chose me… Well, he worked on, it’s got… And that would be in a front… God wouldn’t it.

I would… So I can remember my proctor would argue with him and she was dead, that I’m killing me, there was times she attempted to do so in spite of the… What he had decreed, and at one point, he even jacked her up against the wall and told her that she would be obedient and take me as her successor, that when in that this test, if you have a successor for the mothers of darkness, they then will take their position… So when I first came on, my proctor was not yet the Queen Mother. She was the successor to the Queen mother at that time.

So one of the very first murder that I ever saw was when she took the life of the Queen Mother at that time and took her position with that it’s a very specific ritual. I’ll give a little graphic warning here, but they take the head of whoever is the Queen Mother, and that’s how they take their position then, and you witnessed this at such a young age.


And how do they keep you from talking, because although you might not be able articulate things, certainly you’ve learned to communicate by that age, how do they keep you silent after seeing something like that?

Well, a lot of it, they take Live, so there’s always the threat that they’ll take the lives of those that you love. So a lot of times I sopra over 1000 desk a month just at the hand of my proctor, and how many… I’m sorry, a thousand, the sonnet, the month.

And that was just at her hands, and that was because I would refuse to participate, or I would try to tell… I actually did try to tell whoever I could, so whether it was teachers or a law enforcement people, a pastors, I would just get out one or two words, things like, my family is part of…

I now called my family to serve Satan, my family kill babies and children, and they would immediately shut me off and not list them maybe further, and then that day or the next day, I would have to watch children or people die, and they would say, good people don’t tell family secrets.

Good people.

That their mouth.

Good people don’t talk. And so that was one of the ways that they tried to control… As I got older and as I attempted to tell more and more what they did is the desk that I had to observe would get more and more graphic, and so not just be a matter of just a quick death for somebody. I’d have to sit there and watch somebody be tortured horrifically and crying out for mercy. If I attempted to intervene, if I cried, if I said anything, then they would make it longer and more horrific for that person, and these people that they target for these killings. Where do they come from?

They came from a lot of different places. Sometimes it would be a homeless person that they found on the street, sometimes it would be somebody out of the system who is trying to defect or get out or run away, sometimes it would be random children that I didn’t know who I assumed came out of the breeder program that was there in Chicago or one of the… They called them expendable children, and those were the children in the system that they had chosen to either be used for trafficking sexually or for ritual death or killing, so sometimes it was those children that were chosen.

Ladies and gentleman, I just wanna make a very big point here. And the reason why this interview is so important for you to listen to is out of average year in the United States alone, over 800 000 children, Gil missing. A lot of these children, when you see the situations with these caravans coming up on these orchestrated paid-for caravans of people of tens of thousands of people crossing the border and stuff, they are undocumented when they go missing, there is no record, so it’s not exclusively them it could be your kid playing in front of the school, if they’re unattended, kids are going missing all the time, and not only that, but adults are put into the system and traffic and the horrible things happen to people, in fact atrocities that they’re just… Beyond what you can imagine is what’s going on here, and I think we’ll get into that a little bit, but I wanna make that point and actually while I’m just speaking, I wanna mention as well that Jesse has come forward because she’s actually helping to get people out of the system.

Jesse is helping people to survive this system, and she’s been working with quite a few teams of people, probably…

I know she can’t comment on this, but I will just say probably in a private public partnership, and there are literally thousands of kids being rescued right now and people coming out of the system, and she has made this her life mission. And this is part of the reason why we are so fortunate to have her telling this story today, did I say anything wrong there?

Just see, no, you didn’t say anything wrong there at all, so let’s say… I don’t wanna focus on the evil as much in this interview.

However, the theme of the show is live right in the real world, and you can’t live right, whatever that is to you, unless you understand what the real world is, and this brotherhood or called, they have many different revenue sources, certainly they… They’re in the top banking industries, they have very big positions and big companies, but they’re also heavily involved in some, I guess they would say black operations, and you had mentioned the human trafficking part of that.

Can you just tell me a little bit about how they facilitate this, how does it happen with no one see… Part of that is because they have such a wide variety of people who are strategic replaced in positions that allowed easy cover up for this. So it depends.

They’ve got a couple of different avenues. First, you had brought out that they do, they have the underground reader programs where they have girls were anywhere from age 10 to 20, mid-20s, so I… These girls are selected and are bred to have babies, these babies are born never being documented, ever having a birth certificate, never having a death certificate.

So that’s one of the revenues that they use, the other one is that they do kidnap or they work in conjunction with some of the hospitals or the CPS, the EHS offices, so I… He then used cases that you think you would call if you needed help for your kids… That’s right, yeah. The people that we feel we could trust are actually the very ones who are scoping out, they’re using the hospitals from the moment they prick a child, but they know what that child’s blood line and spiritual gifts are, so they’ll watch that child and decide if they wanna take them or in… If they wanna take them, a lot of times they’ll find a way to implicate the parents or the parents, and they’ll send him CPS and they will take that child and put them into foster care homes. Then you’ve got law makers who have made it, so some states like California, I think if a child is in CPS for 12 or 14 months, they automatically will get adopted out, so this way they make it so that the parents can never get their child back. They’ve placed judges in the systems… A lot of them will use Family Court to gain control of these children, and then we’ve got some cases where literally, they adopt the child out and then the child has taken internationally, their verse certificates are erased and because they have no versatile, there’s no way to track where that child has gone, it makes it impossible for these families to get their children back.

Now, again, this is a bit graphic, but it’s important that you understand what is really going on in this world and how big this is, and I say this specifically to anyone who is Christian, because we have not paid attention, because we have done anything we’ve actually allowed this to happen, and this broadcast is a wake-up call to anyone Christian or non-Christian who cares about this world, we need to start exposing this and getting involved in so one thing to sit on the couch and hope the sum will… Else will do it, but I’m providing a call to action here, so to really get you involved, I’m gonna actually ask Jesse to get into an area that I…

I almost really don’t wanna cover because once I learned of this and how… How big it is. Well, I cried for a couple of days. I really did. And so this is a warning to you, but it’s something you should listen to, a lot of these children are sex traffic, as you mentioned, they’re used as ponds, they’re used by people who are the people you respect the most in the entertainment industry, in big industry, elites and others, of course, but they also do something to extract a drug, and you talk about what that drug is and the process… How they acquire it?

Yeah, so there’s actually two drugs that they… They go after… One is the dorm. And they extract that from the Drina glands. The other is from the pen gland, and that’s the type of natural steroid that occurs in the body, so both of these they… For the hybrid drug, they procure both together and… Normal process for it is, it usually ends in a child staff, they will cause a child to really be terrified and afraid, that happened in graphic ways, whether it’s usually involves a sort of torture, whether sexually or physically, it even could be emotionally. Once the child is very fearful, the adrenal goes into their blood stream, and so… So I… They’ve got warehouses where they literally will have children in these big wine vats and they will be draining all their blood.

They also do the same thing with elderly… As a kid, I saw rows and rows and the math of warehouse, it was like They had airplanes sees back to that Just For mil, and may have elderly people strapped in there and they were so weak, they couldn’t do anything, and they just… Every day just would keep taking a couple of times, and until those people died on the same thing with the children, they just keep taking the blood, making them fearful, extracting the blood, and then they’ve been harvest that and to use that blood and take the renal out of it, that’s like their long-term process for the mass, they also procure in rituals, which that tends to be more graphic than the mass warehouses. What I saw the child is… I’m gonna try not to go too graphic here for the sake of your audience, but they would do stuff to either access the pen gland through the face, for the adrenal glands, and usually that involves cutting into the child for making them really afraid and cutting the throat and this is while they’re alive, obviously they are in… So all of it was, they were alive when they would do this, and the demand for this drug is so outrageous. Yeah, that he literally… This is a big manufacturing process, and I guess one of the analogies I would say to this, and listen, if you ever, please do not be inspired to go look for this drug, don’t even search it out, if you do, I would say There’s eternal consequences for you and nothing is worth it, but these people feel that they get special powers from it, they feel… It’s a fountain of youth. If you look at some people, they seem to not age, and then recently, I think there’s a shortage of this drug recently, because you see some Hollywood stars not looking so good lately… And they’re in the public eye. So I only point out Hollywood in that, but they also feel they get spiritual powers, and I guess of analogy that I would think of is, if a car was flipped over and it’s someone you loved in there, it’s been reported that you get this adrenaline and you get this kind of super human strength full. They think that they get that, plus there’s a spiritual aspect to it, can you talk about the spiritual aspect that they think they get from this?

Yeah, well, I did experience that as well, so they would do test with us for most of the high level of leaves, they have a special proof of this stuff that they take on a daily basis, and I would basically say that they were functioning Adriano comic being on this small amount every day gives them energy, it keeps them going. So you see some of these Hollywood stars where they’re just go, go, go, go, go, and only a couple hours of sleep every day.

Yeah, they’ve always got a E, The Tenterden.

So that’s partly due to that. But then during rituals, they’ll take a higher amount, which then does cause that closes for them… Go ahead.

And these rituals, how many times a year do these rituals take place and when there’s rituals or all of these people involved that they’re actually worshipping Satan, do they all partake in different areas?

There’s only four times a year where everybody in every quad around the world is involved, otherwise, they circulate the rituals through the different quadrants, so you’ll see these people traveling to different areas around the world for these ritual events, usually the quadrants take turns hosting them, and so we’re talking hundreds of millions of people, potentially worldwide participating it. So message to the church, wake up, these people are organized, they’re praying against you, they’re activating spiritually of spiritual knowledge that is very sophisticated, and they’re doing it against us. The good news is God is way bigger.

AM into that, but we need to realize what we need to pray against and his prayer… An effective weapon. Can you tell the time, Jesse, that prayer really worked as an effective weapon while you were in the system?

Yeah, actually the majority of every day I was praying as a child, and one of the most significant times, I literally based off with with male, and I was involved in the experiment where he was the demotic general that they summoned and in that experiment, as he was coming through the gate, he literally was marching towards my training partner and I, I… You know, I was going to his dead, and I just started praying, and as the Lord closed the gate, and that that was the summoning circle, he was coming through, and literally the Lord right there, stomachs UK halfway in between the floor and… So I was behind him, like seeing his back side and my training partner was looking in face-to-face and we just started praying, and Malik literally was throwing a temper anger, that he was mad, that he was stuck in that floor. And so from that moment on, he did not get to have anything to do with my training partner, and years later, I ran into the high-level lusitanian who is one of his post, and that person said to me, he’s like, my demon absolutely hates you.

And he wants to kill you. Why is that? And I just said, Well, I don’t usually encourage people to talk to demons, but I’m gonna ask that the Lord will allow him to answer that question for you. And so he went back and had a conversation and Malibu out that it was because he had got stuck in the floor when he was trying to come through and didn’t get to host the host that he wanted.

So even after all these years, it was interesting that the Lord still… That he provided that protection over me and the training partner from this high-level demon… That’s such an incredible story. And of course, male has mentioned in the Bible.

And the sacrifices to Moloch, by the way, side note. Would you consider abortion sacrifices to mullica?

They are one. Yeah, and there’s… What about a million in the United States alone, every year?

The is this gives to the demons energy…

I don’t know if I say A-B-E energy there. Yeah, it more has to do with their blood lust and their blood thirst.

Now, you mentioned several things that are just breathtaking, but first of all, you mentioned gates, and you mentioned demonic possession, and you mentioned that these people communicated with the demons, and I don’t wanna focus on the other side so much, the… So there’s gateways that these demons come through, so that leads me to make an assumption that hell is actually beneath… Would you have specific knowledge on that… Yeah, so the spiritual gate originally were… In Genesis, it talks about the firmament that was above the Earth and below the Earth, and there were these gateways that or the containers that held the water for that firmament. And so the Scripture talks about in Notes dated, when the flood came upon the earth, because a men’s wickedness, that the Lord caused the gates that were below the Earth and the gate above the earth to release their water.

So that’s where the spiritual Gates come from, is that they actually were those containers that were holding the water, they operate off of residents harmonics and frequent, some of that goes in trying to get into some of the science of it for people here, but with the Bible talks about all of creations things, God’s glory. So the spiritual Gates literally are passageways between the Earth and the heavens, or between the Earth and the lower realms, and they’re constantly singing to the war, and so their access that way through song or through Thanksgiving, a lot of the cultic people, the closest emotion they can get to think, giving this taffy, they will sometimes use that to access those series and get them to open especially… So let to a certain frequency, essentially at certain frequency, and then the gate will open and they have access to that, so they have this sophistication that they figured this out, how can a believer in God or someone who wants to believe in God because they hate what they’re hearing about the other side, this is real folks. If they can access demons and the demons come into them, and I… And we call on angels.

We can… Yeah, the Bible says that angels are ministering spirits, that they’re also are helpers, so we are able to call on them and access them, but we also a son tailing God work fully quit through our faith in the armor that we wear the scriptures that we’re commanded pretty much so for things, the Word, to the disciples, leathers raised the dead and cast of the deans. So those four things, we are commissioned and have the authority to do here on earth, so for me, I don’t even usually call on any angelic if I’m encountering a demonic spirit or evil, I simply review kit and begin to pray and pass out, but we could call on them. Well, I guess we call on God directly, but could we dispatch them to fight the other end because it’s hard for us to… Well, most people don’t see into the Spirit, we don’t see a deep and walking down the street, but the angels do.

And the angel is, are really… Well, I don’t know if they’re put under our command, but they’re here to serve us, how could we utilize that as a strategy or… Or do we need to… We could… I do work in conjunction with some of them, so praying and asking the Lord to dispatch them for further help, if there’s a lot of activity in your area, I’m or pray and ask for them to come and be a child of protection, to stand around the property where an ad or to guard my home at night, I’ve had moments where literally I walked out of my house and all the sudden I saw my angelic bodyguards standing around me, where there was just these four angels, one in front of me, one behind me, and one on each side. So we do have access to that. We do have that help. If we need it, I’m not somebody who… Usually, I go straight to the Lord and things, so I just gotta be honest about that. I’m not… Yeah, we do have that I… Yeah, since the cross.

Right, right. But I know, like I said, there’s times I walk out and I have seen my body guard, so the Lord has made it very clear that I’m not in this by alone, that there are angels that are there who are fighting with me on the word side. I’m not somebody who usually communicates with them too often or I just usually communicate with the Lord so… Well, Jesse, I think this is a great note to end, not because we covered some dark stuff, and I wanna thank you for joining me here on right on radio, and I wanna thank you for your wisdom, and if you would join us again, there’s some more I would like to, I would like to expose some more of your training and just start to give people wisdom so we can start putting in some counter measures to put… Just one of the things I said to you in our personal conversation before doing this interview, Jesse, is once I learned about all this stuff that’s going on, and by the way, you’re not the only source, I’ve double-checked and triple-checked everything in compared to scripture, and this is all true, but I realized one day I’m gonna meet my maker and I’m not gonna stand before Him and say, Yeah, I knew about it and I did nothing.

Right, so just what… Do you agree to come back on and do another show with us and… Yeah, I’d love to… And in another show, I’m just gonna give a teaser if I may, because you said something that I know every person is going to want… Ask some questions about, you saw Satan himself through your proctor against the wall, you’ve seen this, and you’ve seen him multiple times that I know that from reading all of your material, perhaps next time we can start to unravel that mystery a little bit.

Yeah, that’s a… That’s not exciting.

Jesse, thank you again for your time, and we’ll talk soon. And thank you for listening to Right on Radio.



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