Rebranding RightIndem

Published in
4 min readJan 23, 2018

This post is written by Paul Wallas, Head of Design at RightIndem

Our Goal

The RightIndem rebrand reflects our focus, vision and values. Our goal is to deliver a delightful, seamless experience that changes the landscape of an industry that is overshadowed by latency, bloated and legacy systems which cause user pain, discomfort and frustration.

We approached our rebrand in the same way we approach our product work by identifying the goals we wish to accomplish. Due to our existing market presence, we set out to evolve our existing logo, building on existing rationale and brand personality. In addition, we wanted to introduce elements that accurately reflect our personality and culture, showcasing the position of RightIndem today.


We approach every new feature by challenging ourselves to think differently. “How can we make this feature offer the very best customer experience?” is what we ask ourselves throughout our design and development cycles. In an industry known for legacy software, it was imperative our new brand reflected our inventiveness and ability to solve problems in a forward-thinking fashion.


We are focused and driven to achieve our goal; empower our customers customer to take control of their claims. This focus aligns our team to push together in the same direction, all coordinating to the vision of RightIndem. Claims are a serious process and for many, often have an emotional attachment. In addition to showcasing our inventive nature, it was important that the rebrand also depicts our focus within in a serious industry.

Our Approach

We started our rebrand by studying a range of brands both within and outside the insurance domain. We identified visual traits and common elements that conveyed the messages we wanted to portray, studying in detail what makes them a success in portraying brand personality.

Exploring common visual elements from other brand identities

The RightIndem brand personality comprises of distinctive values so we decided to utilise the brand marque and typeface to depict our individuality.

Our findings demonstrated that the use of strong, bold colour represented an inventive nature. The use of bright hues and strong luminosity gives the sense of ownership and is an approach not commonly used by those brands with a ‘safe, cautious’ attitude. We agreed that the use of bright hues and strong luminosity would be better suited to the brand marque as this offered greater surface area with less focus on legibility.

Our findings also demonstrated that typeface adopting strong weights, presented uppercase with close but not tight kerning give a sense of focus. Pluralsight and Uber are examples of a focused brand personality. We selected the Proxima Nova family as our typeface based on its classic, humanist letter forms and the many weights available to us.

After agreeing how we would approach our marque and typeface we wanted to ensure the two elements were not independent that are simply placed alongside each other. We wanted to visually marry the two elements, sharing small traits that would connect the two together, producing visual balance and harmony.

The Design Process

Knowing our approach, our design team started the rebrand process. All media was open for use; whiteboards, post-its, sketch books, and illustration software were all available for consumption.

Initial sketching of ideas

At the end of every two weeks we gathered to discuss our work, highlighting the successful elements from those that didn’t quite portray our brief. We always referred to the brand personality that was ever present in our meeting room ensuring we remained on point.

Members of the design team discussing logo iteration

After many rounds of collaboration, three logos began to appear as serious contenders, each offering different qualities, all complementary to our brief. We presented each logo in situ, examples ranging from Keynote slides to business letterheads to our COO while also explaining our rationale and approach behind our work. His feedback was very positive, requesting if elements of each could be incorporated into one final logo. Revisiting each logo, we challenged ourselves to incorporate small details from all into one. Carefully adjusting and refining ascenders, terminals and finial to match the directional flow of the marque and adjusting hues to increase vibrancy we were all confident and happy to return to the COO presenting our final logo.

Subtle changes to type anatomy that reflect direction and brand personality

The COO was extremely delighted with our new RightIndem logo, positive it reflects the values and vision of our brand. We have now advanced to phase 2 of our rebrand, concentrating efforts on logo variations, logo rules and guidance and supporting brand accent colours building up our brand guidance.

The next few months is an exciting time for the RightIndem brand and we’ll look to follow this post up with part 2 in the coming months.

Our new RightIndem logo




The world is demanding change in Insurance Claims. Our technology is the change for good, for everybody in the Insurance ecosystem. Digital Claims. Delivered.