How to Open With a Bang!

5 Ways You Can Capture Your Reader’s Attention in 15 seconds

You only have 15 seconds to capture someone’s attention. It rings true at job interviews and social events as much as it does in online content writing.
Not matter how brilliant your headline is or how hard you’ve worked to come up with a new and fresh approach, your readers will leave if you can’t grab their attention from the first sentence. Yikes! Talk about pressure, right?

The good news is that there are some tips you can learn from experienced copywriters in order to urge people to continue reading.

1. Ask a Thought-Provoking Question

Humans are curious creatures. We are genuinely interested in learning more about what interests us, and we strive to find novelty even in experiences that are familiar. This is why, when we hear a question, we can’t help but think of an answer.

Copywriters know that curiosity is what makes the consumer’s world go round, so they often open their marketing messages with a thought-provoking question. This way, they get the consumer thinking and they engage them in a conversation.

2. Quote a Shocking Fact or Statistic

Have you ever wondered why, despite your best intentions, you simply can’t resist a tabloid clickbait headline? What is it about their stories that make them so compelling?

Similar to sex, sensationalism sells. Starting off with a shocking fact or statistic is a surefire way to grab your readers’ attention. However, you need to make sure the statistic is relevant to your topic.

3. Share a Personal Story or an Anecdote

Anecdotes and stories are another great way to open a blog post. They can help you create a sense of trust and intimacy with your readers or simply establish the main point of your article.

It is important to make sure that your stories are relevant to both your audience and your topic. Also, don’t waste too much time telling your own personal story. Keep it short and to the point.

4. Paint a Mental Picture

Another tactic copywriters use to capture attention is invoking the consumer’s mind’s eye. The word “imagine”, for example, can entice them to engage in a presentation or conversation. Once they start imagining, they are hooked and you can pull them deeper into your blog post.

Use words like “Picture this”, “Does this sound familiar to you…” or “Do you remember when….” to paint a brighter future or to help them put themselves in someone else’s shoes.

5. Get Emotional

Content that engages readers emotionally works better than content that doesn’t. Studies in neuromarketing have shown that emotion based content is more effective at engaging readers and boosting conversions.

Don’t talk about numbers and features if you want readers to continue reading your story. Appeal to their emotional side to win them over. Start off by engaging one of the four basic human emotions: happiness, sadness, fear or anger. Talk about the emotional benefits of your content rather than the logical ones.

The first 8 words of your article are crucial. They can determine readers to stick around for longer or make them leave immediately. Knowing how to capture your readers’ attention is paramount for your blog’s success.

Which of these opening tips are you using? I’d love to hear your thoughts.



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