Make FOMO Work for You: 4 Simple Ways to Boost Subscriptions

Learn from smart writing services how to use FOMO -Fear of Missing Out — to encourage people to subscribe to your newsletter.

It’s almost 2am and I am still glued to my phone. The laptop is next to me, buzzing continuously, the TV is on and I’ve even got the tablet plugged in. To anyone, I look like a tech junky.

The truth, tough, is that I am suffering from FOMO Fear of Missing Out.
Bizarre as it may sound, FOMO is a very real emotion. Countless people are afraid that somewhere, someone is having more fun and more rewarding experiences than them. This is clearly visible in the digital age, where users go to great lengths trying to stay as connected as possible.

Savvy writing services have learned how to use this fear to encourage people to follow them and create a community. Here’s how you can do it too.

Offer Content Upgrades

One great way to leverage FOMO is to offer your readers content upgrades. A content upgrade is when you provide more content in exchange for something from your readers, such as an email address, a Facebook like or, in some cases, money.

The content update strategy works because people have already invested time and energy into your content. They want to see the bigger picture and, because they are afraid they will miss out on something important, they are more likely to give you their email address in exchange for that information.
Remember, for this strategy to work, you need to write great, informative and relevant articles. Otherwise, readers won’t bother to read the first paragraphs, let alone give you their email addresses.

Offer Exclusivity

Many successful online businesses, such as Pinterest or Spotify, launched using an invite-only strategy. While there can be many usability-related reasons a website might choose to limit its audience, this strategy can also drive interest and tackle the fear of missing out.

If you are creating great content, try limiting its availability. For example, create eBooks, but limit downloads. Advertise this fact on your blog and in your email newsletters to make readers feel as if they will miss out on something valuable if they are not taking action. Some professional writing services create a “waiting list” to highlight the limited availability of their content.

Induce FOMO into Your CTA

If you are anything like me, I am sure you work really hard to craft engaging calls to action. The problem is that, getting people to click and take action is easier said than done.

Luckily, there are ways you can increase the odds of your CTAs being clicked — and of more visitors subscribing to your email. One way you can do this is by using time-sensitive words to play on FOMO.

Here are some examples:

Free Download — First 100 Subscribers Only!
• Only Five Seats Left. Join Now!
• I’ve Doubled My Traffic in Two Weeks — Learn How You Can Do It Too

Allure Idle Subscribers

Sometimes, you might get visitors to subscribe, but they will never open your emails. To re-engage them, try striking their “fear of missing out” chord. Remind subscribers what they are missing out on when they ignore your emails. Induce FOMO in the subject line to persuade them to actually read your email.

There are many ways you can tap into your readers’ fear of missing out. Successful copywriters are constantly experimenting and finding new tactics that allow them to get more people interested in their content.

Have you tried any of the tips above? How did it work out? We’d love to hear your thoughts.

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