The 5 R’s of an Effective Content Strategy

Do you know what successful blog writing services have in common?

They respect the 5 R’s of content creation.

How do the best blog writing services create all that amazing content? And how can you do the same?

The articles that are doing amazingly well in terms of traffic and engagement have one thing in common: they respect the 5 R’s of content creation.

Here they are:

• Relevancy: Are you creating value with your content?
• Readability:
Is your content scannable?
• Repetition:
What is your core message?
• Rewarding:
What benefits do your readers get?
• Resolution:
Do you have a clear call-to-action?

In this article I will teach you how to use these 5 R’s in order to create outstanding content.

1. Relevancy: Are You Creating Value With Your Content?

Blog writing services know all too well that, in order to keep readers engaged, simply publishing new content regularly is not enough. You need to create value with your content; otherwise you are simply generating “white noise”. You need to focus on educating your readers by providing relevant information on topics related to your industry.
Creating value it doesn’t necessarily have to be about informing your readers about the latest news and trends. You can also create value by inspiring or entertaining your readers with new and fresh ideas or stories.

2. Readability: Is Your Content Scannable?

Readers can’t stay focus on the web. There is too much information demanding their attention every single second. According to a study by Chartbeat, 55% of Internet users spend less than 15 seconds actively on a page.

So, how can you change this? How can you convince readers to stay on your page for longer than 15 seconds?

Make your content scannable.

Copywriters know that people don’t read word by word on the Internet. So, they use a number of tricks to make their content scannable, such as subheads, numbered lists and bullet points. They also write in a conversational manner and keep their paragraphs short and sweet.

3. Repetition: What Is Your Core Message?

Whether you are a professional writing service, a marketer or a business owner, you should now that your message is the core of your brand. Every piece of content you add and every marketing strategy you plan should be created around your brand’s core message.

Your core message allows you to stand out from the noise by making your position clear. It tells your readers who you are and why you do what you do.

Repeating your core message can help you create a sense of intimacy with your readers.

4. Rewarding: What Benefits Do Your Readers Get?

What do your readers walk away with after reading your blog post or your newsletter? Content and article writing services know they should offer readers an incentive to act now. Whether it is access to exclusive news and case studies or free eBooks, always make sure you emphasize the benefits of taking the course of action you want.

5. Resolution: Do You Have a Clear Call-to-Action?

You’ve kept your readers engaged until the end, and you’ve created valuable content that improved the quality of their lives. Now, it’s time to close the deal and persuade readers to take action.

One of the biggest mistakes content writers make is neglecting to include a call-to-action at the beginning and/or end of their articles. Your readers don’t know what you want them to do, so you need to tell it to them straight and clearly. Do you want them to leave a comment? Share your article on social media? Sign up for your newsletter?

Download an eBook? Simply ask them!

Creating content is one of the simplest, most effective ways to connect with your audience. But, as with any initiative, taking the wrong approach can do more harm than good. Keep these 5 points in mind and you will be able to create amazing content your audience will love.



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