RightMesh Shows Live uRaiden Channel Updates on RM Wallet Between Two Distinct Mobile MeshNets

Jose Ortega
Published in
3 min readMar 27, 2018

As we promised in the RightMesh Project Roadmap, here is a demonstration of the RMESH Tokens being active on the test net. You can see we have been busy!

RightMesh Chief Micropayments Scientist, Dr. David Wang, successfully demonstrates µRaiden payment channels adjusting live on devices after purchasing data and the token transfer after closing channels

In a previous video, our Chief Micropayments Scientist, Dr. David Wang, demonstrated how the micropayment channels can be automatically opened and closed via the superpeer. At that time, the only way to see the tokens flowing was by logging the output and via the final transfers on the channel closing.

This time we wanted to go a couple of steps forward and show you how the token balances are adjusted live on the devices after a transaction. In this very special #TechTuesday episode, you can see that when a mobile phone purchases data, the channel balance adjusts, and the UI on the wallet is updated to correspond to this so users of RightMesh apps can see in real-time how many tokens they have spent purchasing data.

You can also notice that, at anytime, users can decide they no longer want to purchase data and may turn their Internet connection off through the mesh. Those users who are selling data may also decide they no longer wish to sell data, and further that they wish to cash out their channel balance. They can do this by closing the channel between themselves and the superpeer.

To simplify the video, we start the demo with the two data sellers already having their payment channels established. In reality, and as shown in the previous video, this occurs automatically. This time the focus is on the automatic channel for the potential buyer joining the network.

Dr. David Wang explains in the whiteboard what we are going to see later in the demo.

Key Moments in the Demo

3:35 We show a superpeer running on the same device as an Ethereum node running on the Kovan testnet.

4:35 The middle phone and the right phone are on two different wireless networks (which is not apparent in the video).

5:00 The ‘Data Seller’ (middle phone) joins the superpeer, and the superpeer checks to see if there is a channel. The channels already exist, so no new channels are created. Similarly with the data destination, the channel already exists.

7:39 Dr. Wang shows that there is no channel between the buyer (left phone) and the superpeer.

10:10 The phone on the left connects to the data seller via Bluetooth, and the phone on the right discovers it via the Internet.

11:00 The channel establishment occurs between the buyer and the superpeer which is relayed across Bluetooth, and then Wi-Fi to the superpeer on the Internet.

11:45 The balances on the UI are updated showing the channel balance and the updated Ethereum balance in the wallet after creating the channel. The “close channel” button now shows up on the wallet UI which lets a device close the channel and recoup any of the funds still on their side of the channel.

12:58 After some data has been sent, the correct amounts of RMESH Token have been transferred in the channels according to the UIs on each phone.

14:50 The buyer device closes the channel which refunds the unspent amount from the channel into the buyer account

16:01 We show the same matching balance from the UI is reflected on the Kovan network as the channel closing causes a balance update on the blockchain.

17:07 The seller can close the channel and receive the tokens it has earned in their wallet.

List of addresses to Verify All the Transactions

Testing token address: 0x0fC373426c87F555715E6fE673B07Fe9E7f0E6e7

Payment channal address: 0x0f1736FA3eB54BD8C234725BD658201DA0B4190D

Superpeer address: 0x1ddb95cf9efdf039743736bed433f4ef44dbd93f

Destination address: 0xf086a846456ccc3c842bd06bf41f36634820fce2

Seller address: 0xa4c61abebae77b468ebe72e6a34b175fe71f79c9

Source address: 0xfd76bff0fa9692b80a7e30c44a28aa5324148e59

Transaction ID: 0x61ab90868035cf57195e814aa0a2edc5d36f50524eacace08fcc3c4f6d8bfa45

Transaction ID: 0xa1913f7385c67f3073f572731c94f4462f4e5d2ea2e2ab23252523f01111f6f2

