Get to Know the Nodebodies: Dr. Lucien Loiseau, Lead Networking Scientist

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2 min readMar 1, 2018
Dr. Lucien Loiseau in an interview with our Chief Communications Officer, Dana Harvey

This week, we interview one of the newest Nodebodies, Dr. Lucien Loiseau, Lead Networking Scientist. Dr. Loiseau came to us as part of the Piperchain acquisition. Piperchain, described as “decentralized Twitter meets Instagram — a social networking app for use in developing countries where Internet infrastructure may be lacking or expensive”, was developed by Dr. Loiseau and Micha Benoliel, former former Open Garden Co-Founder, Chairman, and CEO (who is also now a RightMesh Advisor).

Dr. Loiseau in our Maple Ridge office.

Listen and watch as we learn more about Dr. Loiseau — his passions, his strengths, his challenges.

If you’re short on time, here are a few main points:

Values: Our lives are not our own. From womb to tomb, we are bound to others, past and present, and by each crime and every kindness, we birth our future.” (Somni 451 in Cloud Atlas by David Mitchell). Like this quote, Dr. Loiseau believes that we make a better future with each positive action we take.

Role at RightMesh: Strengthen and extend the capabilities of the mesh core.

Technical Specialty: Delay tolerant networks and protocols.

Most exciting technical challenge ahead at RightMesh: Positioning mobility as a feature, not a problem, and bringing crypto-economics into this area.

Fun fact: Dr. Loiseau is currently learning Chinese (so he can better communicate with his in-laws!)

Want to know about Dr. Loiseau? Ask him a question on our Telegram channel.

Stay tuned for more “Get to Know the Nodebodies Interviews”.




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