Official Statement Regarding Scam Email Appearing to be from Bitcoin Suisse

Published in
2 min readMay 22, 2018
Screenshot of the email for the scammers. This picture was submitted by one of members on our Telegram Channel.

Thank you to our community for your patience while we investigated the latest scam which is in the form of an email appearing to come from Bitcoin Suisse, and please note the following:

  • Neither RightMesh nor Bitcoin Suisse have been compromised in this attack. Your personal information, if it has been provided to either party, remains secure.
  • A previous ICO was hacked many months ago, and the data breach originates from that event. This was a 3rd party strike.

Additionally, please note:

  • The email “appears” to come from Bitcoin Suisse; however, upon closer examination, it originates from (REMEMBER: always check the originating email address carefully.)
  • We will NEVER solicit funds via email, Twitter, Telegram, direct message, our website ( or any form of social media. (REMEMBER: if RightMesh “appears” to be soliciting funds in any of these ways, it is always a SCAM.)
  • Never send funds to addresses which you did not receive on the Bitcoin Suisse Platform. (REMEMBER: All contributions will be managed solely through the Bitcoin Suisse platform at
  • As we draw closer to our Crowd Contribution date of May 30th at 13:00 CEST, we anticipate scam attempts to increase in frequency and complexity. (REMEMBER: Be aware of scam attempts, and if you come across anything questionable, please bring it to our attention — and the attention of our community — through this channel.)

Again, thank you to all for flagging this scam to us so we could investigate and inform our community.




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