RightMesh Weekly Update: January 26, 2018

Brianna MacNeil
Published in
6 min readJan 26, 2018

This week, we’re kicking off a new weekly update series. Each Friday, we will publish a post here on Medium which will give an overview of what we have accomplished during the week.


It’s been an incredible week here at RightMesh. We announced the successful completion of the Early Allocation round of the TGE in which USD $18M was filled in under a week, we were accepted into the ConsenSys led Blockchain for Social Impact Coalition, we selected a smart contract auditing partner, CoinFabrik, we developed a decentralized clock sync algorithm and we had some amazing press, including an interview with the BBC.


  • Dr. Jason Ernst, RightMesh CTO & Chief Scientist, and our advisor Dr. Dan Gillis, were interviewed by BBC World News about RightMesh and our project in Rigolet which allows community members to track climate change via a mesh enabled app, eNuk. You can listen to the interview below.

Tech Progress

  • Payment channel integration: Superpeer can interact with Parity Ethereum client on the Kovan testnet based on code from the µRaiden Java port we’ve been building. Routing table updates support path prices internally in library. In progress — having channels auto created when nodes join the mesh, updating data packets to support moving tokens in the channels.
  • Dev portal: multiple devs can collaborate on a single app / key without sharing login credentials.
  • Density simulator: Density simulator being updated so that it supports Wi-Fi, BT and Wi-Fi direct, also starting work to quantify energy savings. First step was separation of visualization front end (js) and the simulator backend into python.
  • Clock sync algorithm: Igor Yakubov, our Mesh Blockchain Engineer, built a decentralized clock sync algorithm that functions on mesh. See below for a demo and explanation of the importance of this.
Clock Synchronization Demo with RightMesh

What’s the significance of a decentralized clock synchronization algorithm?
“I think that many new applications and games will be developed upon the new technology — the Mesh Network we are developing. It will be necessary for some of these applications to coordinate their actions in the time domain. For example, an application that plays a song at the same time on mesh connected peers, like one big speaker. Or an application that tracks events in time. Currently, the clocks in smartphones are synchronized via the cellular network providers; however, the clocks of the providers are not always synchronized between themselves, so the clocks of 2 smartphones that are connected to 2 different providers will not necessarily reflect the exact same time. In order to synchronize clocks, we can use the GPS clock, but this option will not work indoors where there is no open sky to receive the GPS signal. So, I wanted to play around a bit to see if we could use one of the time synchronization algorithms to sync clocks of peers connected to our Mesh Network, without GPS or some other 3rd party.”

Igor Yakubov, Mesh Blockchain Engineer at RightMesh

UX Progress

  • Private alpha testing Flare, our emergency communications app.
  • Working on other exploratory and flagship applications. More information to come soon.

Token Generating Event (TGE) Progress

  • Successful ECA round: We are thrilled to announce the successful completion of our USD $18M early contribution round. The ECA was heavily oversubscribed and filled in under one week. Read the press release here. The balance of the USD $30M hard cap will be raised in public allocations starting February 15th.
  • Process to fast-track KYC & AML approval: Bitcoin Suisse, who is managing our KYC and AML checks, has received an overwhelming number of new registrants. To give you an idea, they’ve had 12,000+ new clients register over the past week, which is the highest volume they’ve ever had. They are working diligently to process these applications and have brought on additional staff to manage the workload. We’ve worked with Bitcoin Suisse to create a new process which will fast-track any new registrants who intend on participating in the RightMesh TGE. If you are waiting for KYC & AML approval, please submit your name and email here so that we can prioritize your application.

Community & Events

  • 3,700+ telegram members: Our telegram grew to over 3,700 telegram members this week! Thank you all for joining us on this journey.
  • New Telegram announcement channel: We created an announcements channel in Telegram to ensure important announcements, press releases and articles are easily seen by community members. You can join our official announcements channel here.
  • Chris Jensen, RightMesh COO, spoke on a panel at an event in Vancouver about “Launching a Compliant ICO” with BLG LLP and iComplyICO.
From left to right, panelists included: Michael Waters — Borden Ladner Gervais LLP, Matthias Kucharska-Huelsmann — iComplyICO, Chris Jensen — RightMesh.
  • John Lyotier and Joe Deobald, attended the Crypto Economy event in San Francisco from January 22–23.
  • Lindsey Matthews, Employee Experience Co-ordinator, and Ben Hughes, Mesh Engineer, attended a University of British Columbia Engineering Co-op Networking Event on January 23.
  • Tracy McDonald, Director of Talent & Culture, Caryl Longden, Director of Operations, and Frazer Seymour, Mesh Engineering Lead, attended BC Tech Talent Day on January 25.
The RightMesh team meeting interested candidates at BC Tech Talent Day.


  • Smart contract auditor: After extensive research, we’re very excited to announce that we’ve selected CoinFabrik as our external smart contract auditor. They’ll be our partner in auditing our TGE smart contracts. CoinFabrik has more than 20 years experience building and reviewing security applications, and have been heavily involved in the cryptocurrency field. Notably, they helped create the merge mining code for Rootstock, and helped Jaxx integrate with different cryptocurrencies. They have audited smart contracts for many of the world’s leading blockchain projects including Status, Bancor, Monaco, and many others. We’re looking forward to publishing their results for community review after the audit is complete.
  • Blockchain for Social Impact Coalition member: RightMesh was accepted into the ConsenSys led Blockchain for Social Impact Coalition. We’re looking forward to working with likeminded projects which aim to use blockchain for good, and we are exploring how we can collaboratively support humanitarian initiatives.

NSERC grant application: Supported the NSERC Engage Grant application from Dr. Victor Leung and the University of British Columbia for blockchain payment channel research.

Stay in Touch

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Brianna MacNeil

₿ the change you want to see in the world. Global Development Studies @ Queen’s University. Manager, Global Partnerships & Strategy @RightMesh.