The RightMesh TGE & Bitcoin Suisse

John Lyotier
Published in
3 min readJan 28, 2018

Some members of our community have raised concerns about running our TGE through Bitcoin Suisse AG. We wanted to take a moment to acknowledge the frustrations, express our firm support of Bitcoin Suisse, and explain why we are working with them and will continue to do so.

We are working with Bitcoin Suisse because they are highly reputable, trustworthy, and experienced. They have been advising our TGE since last summer and have been integral in developing our processes. Bitcoin Suisse have executed TGEs for some of the most successful projects in the space including OmiseGo, Bancor, and Status, from which they gained invaluable knowledge and experience.

At RightMesh, we believe in doing things right — which includes remaining compliant and following Swiss regulations. We have been advised by Canadian, Swiss, and US legal counsel to implement the process managed by Bitcoin Suisse, which ensures we are held to the highest standard of due diligence. We are attempting to comply fully with multi-jurisdictional KYC and AML requirements as this is a critical procedure which protects our contributors, our company, and the industry as a whole. This requirement will mean that some people are not accepted by Bitcoin Suisse and that some people will have to produce extra documentation; this is a necessary part of a diligent process.

Bitcoin Suisse, along with many companies in the blockchain and crypto space, are dealing with scaling challenges. The high volume of new clients we have been sending their way has been unprecedented and reflects the global interest in the RightMesh project.

We also acknowledge that when the TGE does occur, there will be disappointed people who will not have completed the paperwork or have been properly processed by BitcoinSuisse. With the level of scrutiny the process does take a considerably long time. We have been willing to make that trade off in knowing that we have done the right thing for our clients, ourselves, and our industry.

We understand that the community has had challenges, and we apologise for the long waiting times and lack of responsiveness. We are working with Bitcoin Suisse to address these in the following ways:

  • Additional staff have been brought on at Bitcoin Suisse to handle the volume.
  • We have implemented a VIP registration form to fast-track KYC & AML approval for new Bitcoin Suisse clients who intend on contributing to the RightMesh TGE. — Please note: this does not change the stringent requirements that need to be met, it just helps Bitcoin Suisse identify members of our community that need to be prioritized.
  • Our team is personally emailing individuals who are missing requirements for the Bitcoin Suisse registration process. We will not solicit contributions via email, and no one will ever receive deposit addresses via e-mail, telegram, or any other medium other than Bitcoin Suisse’s highly-secure platform

We greatly appreciate our community’s patience and co-operation as we go through our TGE the right way.

The RightMesh Team



John Lyotier

Co-Founder of RightMesh ( and parent-company Left ( Words are my own and written for my own enjoyment… no really… I love to write.