Create Content for Your Benefit, Not Facebook’s



There should be no question as to the relationship between Facebook and the world at large. Its unprecedented size and ubiquity have given it a power that has been heretofore unknown to private enterprises, and that power has time and again enabled it to its access into our personal information and to escape consequence for doing so. What remains to be seen is how we as consumers react to what Facebook does, and if we change our own relationship to the platform.

In one of the strongest rebukes against Facebook thus far, the UK’s Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Committee issued a report that labeled the company a ‘digital gangster’, citing the platform’s intentional violations of data privacy and competition laws. The committee issued several recommendations on how social media platforms should be governed, including a code of ethics, greater oversight and regulation, and further investigations into alleged misdeeds.

Big corporations in conflict against the law and the governments that impose them is nothing new, but what separates Facebook and others of its ilk is how both our personal information and content are tied up with these companies, and the extent to which we are the victims of these violations. And yet we are in some extent complicit in that we continue to give both our content and engagement to apps run by companies that we ultimately know will abuse whatever sensitive information or valuable content we provide them.

We as consumers and creators need to be making money for ourselves as well as protecting our work and our privacy rather than relying upon companies that we know will mishandle and exploit both. By taking back control over our creations and our data, we can reap the benefits of a booming content marketplace without rewarding bad actors. But to take control, we need to break free of the traditional social media giants that rely on our work for their dominance.

RightsLedger is giving creators the chance to monetize their social media content for their own benefit and on their own terms. When users upload their work, digital fingerprinting ensures that users retain ownership of their work. In the RIghtsLedger marketplace, creators are in charge of their own content, able to license and distribute as they want and free to reap their fair portion of the profits. And RightsLedger is built on the blockchain, ensuring that your data remains secure and private, and not up for sale to the highest bidder.

Creators shouldn’t have to give up control of their work to the benefit of Facebook or anyone else, and RightsLedger gives them the chance to finally create for their own benefit.

Join the RightsLedger Telegram channel to learn more about what the RightsLedger team is creating.




A universal ledger focused on digital content ownership tracking, rights management, and global monetization