Photo by Carl Heyerdahl

Digital Content and Monetization

Published in
2 min readJul 30, 2019


Becoming a creator has never been easier, given the tools available to nearly everyone through a smartphone. What once requires special equipment and a financial commitment can now be accomplished on the same device that connects us to the world at large and to each other. Ease of entry into a content marketplace has made creators of us all, but that same ease hasn’t been extended to monetizing the content that we create.

Looking to earn a return on the content that we generate is an idea that has been slow to catch on, but one that is finally getting its due as more people learn about the revenues earned by social media platforms; reward for content users create and share and the related engagement. It’s also an idea spurred by the appetite for and growth of independent creators with their own channels, particularly on YouTube. Both demonstrate that there is a desire for content created by the average creator, and a willingness from both advertisers and viewers alike to put their support behind those creators and their projects.

What doesn’t exist, for the most part, is a knowledge on the part of many creators as to the actual process of monetizing or earning off of their work. Platforms have made it easy to upload and share as they want you to do both readily, but there isn’t the same willingness to share in the rewards, particularly with those not considered at the top end of creators on a given platform. So how can the average user hope to make money?

There are of course options options out there, for those willing to put in the time and effort. Creators can look to work with advertisers directly to support their work, or create sponsored content as a way to pay the bills. Or there’s the option of creating a subscription service on your own, or creating a paywall to put your best material behind. But each presents its own challenge; advertisers are looking for the greatest return on their investment and direct support from users. This can be more difficult for creators without a platform with a huge audience.

It’s not hard to see the issues and problems that creators can run into, and how hard it can be for those trying to earn a bit of the money that they are already generating for others. But why should it be hard to earn money from your work, given how easy it is for platforms to do the same? RightsLedger is looking to change that with Milio, MilStage, and MilDeals. Our platforms and tools give creators both a fair return on their work and the tools and power to distribute and earn more.

To learn more about Milio, MilStage, MilDeals, join the RightsLedger Telegram channel.




A universal ledger focused on digital content ownership tracking, rights management, and global monetization