Photo by Becca Tapert

Engage Your Audience on Social Media

Published in
3 min readJul 22, 2019


Creativity is only part of the equation for creators looking to make a mark on social media. Having unique and interesting content is a great start, but if you want to have an impact, you need to have an audience. And as much as it would be nice if the masses congregated to the best work and the most creative content producers, the truth is that followings are built and grown by those who put the work in, not gifted to those who might be most deserving. So how can creators look to engage and build an audience for their work to gain more visibility for the content they create?

Determine who your audience is. Gaining a bigger following requires finding the right audience for your work. Simply posting your work into the wider world of social media is trying to compete for attention against the din of millions of others vying to get noticed on a million different topics. Finding the right avenue for sharing your work and the right people to appreciate it is as important as finding the right subject or medium that inspires your creativity.

Use hashtags to help visibility. Hashtags might be a bit overused by people looking to make a joke, but they can be useful for creators looking for greater visibility. It might be hard to remember a time before they were a meme, but hashtags started out as a search function on social media, a way for people to link related content together, and for those using social media earnestly it can still serve that purpose. Finding the right hashtags, ones that are neither too narrow so as to be obscure nor so broad that it encompasses millions of posts, is a useful addition to any post to improve audience numbers.

Get others to share. We’re less inclined to trust or accept the input of strangers than we are of friends and others we know. Recommendations provided by algorithms are all well and good, and can certainly provide a greater exposure, but getting those who already follow and appreciate your work to share it with their network is a great way to reach people who might be more open to looking at your content if it’s shared with them by someone they know whose taste they trust. Don’t be afraid to ask current supporters to help spread your work to others; chances are, if they truly appreciate it they will be more than willing to do so.

Trying to promote your work can feel like a bit of a chore, and also be frustrating considering how fun content creation is meant to be. But in this era of endless streams of content, it takes a bit of consideration and effort to get your content to stand out above the crowd.

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