Image by Negative Space

Free Resources for Content Creators



As a creator, you have the talent and the drive to share your ideas and content with the world at large. But even the best and brightest among us needs help along the way to make their creations into a finished product. For all of the big ideas we might have, most of us lack the talent in certain areas to make our ideas a reality as we see them. In those instances, we are left to rely on the creativity of others. However, many creators aren’t able to pay the licensing fees that are required for many works, and provided they’re wise enough to avoid the temptation of infringing upon someone else’s copyright, they are left to look for cost-effective alternative. We’ve collected a few options to consider below.

Stock video. Finding the right footage to fit your needs can be challenging, especially if you have something in mind that might be hard to capture given your budget, skill and circumstances. In those instances, turning to stock footage is a great way to fill in the gaps. Both Oberlo and TechRadar have lists offering great options for stock video websites, but be cautious as you start. It’s vital that you read all of the licensing agreements and fine print related to the video provided on the site; some creators limit what their work can be used for and how it can be reproduced, so be sure that you are meeting those requirements.

Stock images. As with stock videos, occasionally you need help in getting pictures that are beyond your means to obtain; it’s hard to get shots of mountain terrain if you’re stuck in the midwest. Stock images can be a great way to help fill out your content and catch the eye of your audience, and Unsplash and Pexels are two great resources for free images. Similar to stock video sites, you want to be sure to read and understand the license terms on any free image site, which are usually generous but do have certain conditions. Violating these conditions can lead to expensive fines.

License-free music. Music can be the key to any great creation, setting the mood and bringing audiences into your work. (Conversely, silence can be off putting in certain circumstances.) But licensing work from mainstream artists costs more than most of us can afford, or even earn in a year. Finding music that doesn’t require a licencing fee is essential, and AdWeek has compiled a list of resources for royalty-free music for use. At the risk of sounding like a broken record (pun intended), take the time to read and and understand all agreements and terms related to music that you plan to use. It’s critical to make sure that your intended purpose falls within the terms allowed by the artist or website.

Editing software. How then to put your creation together? It’s said that most great works are found in editing, and your content is likely no exception. Editing tools are vital to any creator, even those working within the confines of a strict budget. Digital Trends put together a list of video editing software free to use for those who can’t afford to pay for the tools professionals use, and TechRadar has done likewise for audio editing. And this section wouldn’t be complete without the obligatory nod towards reading agreements and licenses before using the software just to make sure that you don’t run afoul of any stipulations.

Creation shouldn’t be the sole province of those who can afford the fees and subscriptions that might be required, and plenty of creators have gotten by on their guile and ingenuity in the absence of resources. But for those that have greater ambitions, their scope shouldn’t be limited by how much money they have in their pockets or their bank account.

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