How Content Creators Can Use RightsLedger

Published in
3 min readJul 2, 2018
Photo by rawpixel

We think of content monetization as something that applies to social media stars, but it is something that affects countless users, especially when it comes to missing out on monetizing work. There are creators off all types that find themselves marginalized and stripped of their ability to make money from their work because of restrictive policies that make ad revenue unattainable for small independent creators. Or they’re left to the mercy of a broader ecosystem that hasn’t figured out how to handle very real issues of piracy and ownership for those unable to afford digital rights management solutions.Let’s look at some real life examples.

The hobbyist with a YouTube channel

You have a small YouTube channel dedicated to sharing your passion for cooking. You’ve managed to build up a respectable base of followers and subscribers,maybe not to the level of celebrity chefs or YouTube stars, but viewers who love what you do and engage with your videos. And you were able to make enough money from it to fund your continued work on your side project. Unfortunately, YouTube’s latest changes to their monetization policy mean that because you fall below their standards, you no longer get a cut of the ads that were running on your channel. More than losing out on that money, you feel like you have no power over your chosen platform. You believe that YouTube is a place that doesn’t value the work of small creators that make up the overwhelming majority of uploads to the site.

By uploading those same videos to RightsLedger, you don’t have to make the sacrifices or compromises that are necessary with YouTube. There are no thresholds to meet for monetization, and there’s no intermediary between you and your audience taking most of the revenue for themselves. You have the power to generate revenue from your work and build your audience while continuing to pursue your passion.

The photographer trying to find customers

You are an amateur photographer who uses the reach of social media to try and market your work for sale to a wider audience. Facebook seems to be the most expedient option, but you have concerns about privacy and copyright infringement and retaining ownership of your work, given everything that you’ve read in the news. Sure enough, after an image search, you find your pictures turning up elsewhere on the internet, without any attribution or compensation. And you’ve struggled to build relationships with customers amidst the sea of information that floods our Facebook timelines.

RightsLedger allows creators to protect their work and build the relationships that create a base of loyal customers. Content uploaded to the blockchain is protected against unauthorized use, meaning that you alone control who can see it. And RightsLedger’s rewards-based consumer inclusive economy creates a system that allows artists to reward the loyalty and patronage of their customers. Your work is available to a global marketplace and smart contracts ensure terms are met and payments between buyer and seller are immediate. You’re able to license your work without the concerns of trying to conduct business in a social media morass.

Be sure to check back for our next post as we continue to talk about how RightsLedger is changing rights management to help creators.

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A universal ledger focused on digital content ownership tracking, rights management, and global monetization