Photo by Paul Skorupskas

Leverage Attention to Build An Audience

Published in
2 min readJan 19, 2019


Our attentions are more divided now than at any point throughout our existence. We’re no longer focusing on one thing at a time or anything for particularly long. Smartphones serve as a companion to almost all of our activities throughout the day: TV and phone, laptop and phone, treadmill and phone, and almost any other task that doesn’t require constant undivided attention. As such, digital platforms are constantly competing for that most precious resource that is our attention for as long as they can hold it.

Catching people’s attention requires small, quickly digestible pieces of content — the content that we see originate from social media. As the pace of information has grown faster, social media has played a growing role in informing and entertaining consumers of media, and has made average users the new class of entertainers. The gates and barriers that once separated and divided entertainers and the entertained no longer exist; we’re all contributing to entertainment and media on different scales and to multiple audiences.

The next step in this development of entertainment is users understanding how to leverage their work and the attention it draws into something that can benefit them. We’ve come to interpret likes and shares as a form of online currency, but those seem a poor substitute for the actual currency that is generated in large amounts every day across a number of social media platforms. And as little as we might seem to agree upon in our current climate, the notion that people should be compensated for their work that creates value still holds as an agreed upon principle.

Making money from your content is a relatively new idea and a foreign concept to some. Older generations might view today’s social media creations as ephemeral, while the young people making it might view monetization as the domain of the biggest stars of the genre. And while social media platforms are structured to overwhelmingly benefit themselves rather than the creators who generate the content, there is a new option that offers freedom, flexibility and security.

RightsLedger gives the average social media user the ability to not only protect their work from potential theft but, the opportunity to leverage and monetize their content with audiences and platforms around the world. RightsLedger’s content marketplace opens up entirely new avenues for content creators to distribute their work for fair value. The money earned from that distribution stays with creators, with only a small fee for transactions. And the consumer-inclusive economy encourages both creators and their audiences to join to share in the collective benefits accrued to all the parties that participate.

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A universal ledger focused on digital content ownership tracking, rights management, and global monetization