Photo by Caspar Camille Rubin

Live Streaming Video Ideas

Published in
3 min readSep 3, 2019


Among the many ways that creators are able to share and connect with audiences, livestreams are remarkably popular and prevalent. Watching others do or say things on camera is a rather simple thing, and yet there is a tremendous appetite that the public has for this type of content. Why that might be is beyond most of us to ascertain; for creators, the question isn’t why but rather how to tap into that segment of the content consumer base.

The act of streaming has become a relatively simple thing, with the equipment needed fairly readily available to anyone with the ambition to take it up. But the greater question for many is, what can I share with the world that is of interest? What is going to catch the attention of enough people to make the time and effort worthwhile? Each person has something unique to offer the public at large; here are a few different ideas for those still wondering.

Gaming. The success of Twitch has shown that there is a huge number of people who, as much as they love gaming themselves, seem to enjoy watching others play also. Far from the frustration of not getting a turn at the controller as a kid, watching a livestream of popular games is a form or entertainment in and of itself, not unlike watching a show or a sporting event. Whether it’s to pick up tips or simply to continue enjoying the experience of the game without having to make any effort themselves, there is bound to be an audience for you to stream your gaming experience.

AMA. One of the more positive developments of the growth of the internet is an understanding and appreciation that everyone has their own unique experiences and stories to tell, and that is reflected in the advent of ‘ask me anything’ sessions. Giving people that follow you the opportunity to pose a variety of questions offers a chance for followers to get to know you and to hear you expound on a variety of different topics. Not only that, but it draws your audience in and allows you to engage with them in a real way, and that has the added benefit of making them feel a greater investment in you and the content you create.

Tutorials. If you have expertise to share, the internet is the place to share it. Onlive videos are the new how-to guides for those looking to understand any number of tasks or topics. Beyond the knowledge on offer, people also enjoy watching others talk on a topic that they’re deeply passionate about, even one at a far remove from our own interests. You might not consider yourself an expert on a level worthy to be offering insight online, but there is undoubtedly something that you excel at that would appeal to more people than you might think, given that you care about it and that passion comes through.

There are countless other options for livestreaming available, and undoubtedly an audience somewhere who shares an interest in the same things you do. The first step in finding that audience is following your passion and making your thing.

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