Enreach: 2nd round!

Carlos Buenosvinos
Rigor Guild
Published in
Apr 6, 2021

In October 2020, Christian Soronellas and I went to visit the Enreach offices in Malaga for a 3 days workshop on microservices, hexagonal architecture, testing, and refactoring. You can read about it in the following post. In our Rigor Guild methodology training method, we suggest a follow-up in 6 months to reinforce the learnings and guarantee that our customers achieve success.

In April 2021, this time via Zoom, we complete 15 hours of remote training. One of the most interesting parts was discussing Domain Modelling tooling. Christian Soronellas and I shared how we use Miro for running Event Storming and other alternatives to Domain Modelling as Domain Story Telling.

We want to thank everyone in Enreach for carrying on trusting in Rigor Guild. We are happy to see you overcome your technical challenges. Looking forward to the next one!



Carlos Buenosvinos
Rigor Guild

XP, Scrum, Agile, Lean, DevOps, Management 3.0, DDD, Microservices, Testing, Tech Management & PHP. More info on https://blog.carlosbuenosvinos.com