Long live using Reuters for the News Channel!

New Source for News Channel News

Larsen Vallecillo


UPDATE: We have brought back Associated Press news because it seems they haven’t fully shut the thing down. It’s been working for a few days now, so hopefully we can use Associated Press for more time. We started using a news source called Expansión for Spanish news which is better than EFE (and combines news from multiple sources).

The RiiConnect24 News Channel is now using Reuters for all English news and EFE for all Spanish news. Here’s why:

We used the Associated Press as the news source for the News Channel in English and Spanish (in America only). On Friday morning (September 22), I woke up and noticed that the News Channel had no new articles in the last few hours. Thinking “WTF?” I realized the domain we used for the Associated Press news (hosted.ap.org) redirects to their new source (apnews.com).

Later that day while at school, I pushed out an easy fix that made it work again for the meantime. It worked for the rest of the day until this morning. Now I realized they were deliberately shutting down the little thing we used to get AP’s news.

So the next thing that I do is send an email to the Associated Press asking what happened to it, and they confirmed they shut it down on Thursday (September 21). This made me kind of sad since we’ve been using the AP news feed for a while.

As a replacement, we’re using Reuters for English news and EFE for Spanish news. Those news sources already were being used for European news, so it was easy to switch them. Hopefully people will be fine with the change.

Associated Press has a lot of good news that I myself have enjoyed reading on my Wii, but I’m sure reading Reuters instead is fine. We try to pick news sources that have the locations associated with them (so they can be displayed on the Globe), pictures, and good articles.

Sorry that we switched the news source (for those who actually care) and thanks for understanding! Long live Reuters and EFE!

P.S. From now on, all blog posts will be posted on Medium, and we’re no longer using blog.rc24.xyz (it redirects you to our Medium page if you go to it).

