RiiConnect24 Forecast Channel Update!

Billy Humphreys
Published in
2 min readMar 13, 2017

[caption id=”attachment_179" align=”alignnone” width=”300"]

The Channel Nintendo never released![/caption]

If you’re not using RiiConnect24 in the US, you might have noticed you have to pick a local city. Well you don’t have to do that anymore, because we’ve updated the Forecast Channel for you to be able to use a local city!

So we have a script which updates the Forecast Channel, and has one list of cities to use per language and country. Those are the cities that you will receive forecasts for when you load up the Channel. Every list has a bunch of local and international cities (the latter has the same cities for each country). So if you’re in Canada, you’ll have about 50 cities to choose from. This took some work to actually make these city lists, because we had to make most of for other countries by hand (we could’ve took all the cities Nintendo used from their servers by downloading the data files when the servers were up, but no one downloaded all of them so we couldn’t do that).

For small islands (like Jamaica or Dominican Republic) we decided to only put one city in there because I don’t think many people would have Wiis set up for RiiConnect24 there, and they’re islands anyway so they’re not gonna have many popular cities there.

There’s some countries in Europe (like Poland) that wouldn’t let you use the Wii Shop Channel or WiiConnect24 there and you couldn’t accept an EULA that would let you use both of those things. But you could have got around that would by using a homebrew application to change your country. We’re not gonna have local cities for those places since Nintendo didn’t support them and it’s more work for the server to download more cities for other countries.

The only supported language right now for the Forecast Channel is English, this is because we have to do more work to support other languages.

While we’re here, I want to say the News Channel now supports all 7 languages (Japanese, English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Dutch) and we plan on looking at how we can get the headlines to appear on the Wii Menu soon. This seems tricky, we don’t know why it’s showing them on the Wii Menu.

Also, we’re making slow progress on the Everybody Votes Channel. We’re just working on a script to make/update the polls, but the next challenge that we’re stuck on is having the Wiis let you vote/suggest on/for polls. Please don’t keep asking us what’s the progress on them, because we’ll keep you updated as soon as something happens.

Lately, we started using Twitter more if you haven’t noticed. Be sure to follow us here for updates about RiiConnect24!

