RiiConnect24 Mail!

Billy Humphreys
1 min readDec 3, 2016


We are proud to announce an alpha WiiConnect24 Mail system! It works on Wii, but not currently vWii.

You will need:
A Nintendo Wii (not a vWii!)
NWC24MSG.CFG patcher: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/206934926136705024/254447947037671425/mail.zip
The latest IOS Patcher: https://github.com/RiiConnect24/IOS-Patcher/releases
WiiXplorer: http://wiibrew.org/wiki/WiiXplorer
A WAD installer

NOTE: You need to repatch your IOS if you haven’t before.

1. Get `/shared2/wc24/nwc24msg.cfg` from your Wii NAND via WiiXplorer (If your WiiXplorer doesn’t show NAND, update!)
2. Drag it onto mail.exe : this autopatches the nwc24msg.cfg to our servers (Linux x86 and x64 and Mac builds soon™)
3. Put it back onto SD card, enable WiiXplorer NAND writing (Settings -> Boot Settings), and copy it back to the folder, overwriting.
4. Install the IOS WADs created.

There are, however, some bugs: most channels will error out with 102032 — this is due to their IOS not having said patch (we are working on fixing this and removing the need for a patch, but it could take a long time)
We will be updating the IOS patcher for new IOSes some point in the future.

If you need any help, come to our Discord! https://discord.gg/sGRwfxx (If you are having issues patching IOS, you can ask someone who will surely help)

WARNING: RiiConnect24 is not liable for any damage caused by our patchers in any way, shape, or form. We recommend installing BootMii (@boot2 is the best, but @IOS if you cannot install @boot2), aswell as Priiloader, and taking at least one NAND backup before installing.

Please do not comment here for WADs or similar!

