Rikkei Finance Community Creative Engagement Competition

Rikkei Finance
Rikkei Finance
Published in
6 min readJun 9, 2021

Six competitions are available with a total of $70,000 in airdropped $RiFi tokens from Rikkei Finance, a revolutionary DeFi platform. Please take a look at the following competitions and invite your friends to join in on the fun!

1. $RiFi $20,000 Airdrop Engagement Contest

What could be an easier contest to enter than our Engagement contest. The name says it all, but if you’d like to be in with a chance to win the grand prize of a $1,000 airdrop in RiFi, and secondary prizes of four $500 RiFi airdrops and twenty $100 RiFi airdrops, here’s what you do to be eligible.

Apply here: gleam.io/soXxH/rifi-engagement-competition

Simply follow the link to our Gleam contest and Complete the following tasks:

1. Join the Rikkei Finance telegram group.

2. Follow Rikkei Finance on Twitter.

3. Retweet this contest and tag 2 of your friends.

4. Provide your BSC address for the airdrop.

Now what is the best part of this contest? Everyone’s a winner! Even if you do not win the Grand or Secondary prizes, everyone who enters will receive a $10 RiFi airdrop up to $15,000 in RiFi! (Total of 1,500 airdrops of $10) Winners will be chosen by random selection on 9th of July. Participants who enter the most entries are most likely to win the grand prizes. Duplicate addresses will be deleted and ineligible. Could we have made it any simpler?

2. RiFi Article Contest ($14,500 in RiFi total)

Are you an aspiring content writer that is eager to prove your skills? If so, this is the contest for you! Do some research on the RiFi Lending platform and our project, and put together a unique and concise article about our platform is a game changer and what makes us special. We will be awarding the top three articles with $1,000 and a further ten articles with a $500 RiFi prize! The remaining entrants that did not win a prize will be awarded $100 for their participation up to a total of a further $6,500!

This contest will run until July 5th. Winners will be announced on July 9th.

The articles must meet our quality standards and the winners will be chosen by the team. If there are not ten articles that meet our quality standards, then we may decide to move some reward prizes into other prize buckets. If there happens to be more than ten high quality articles that we decide to use as content, we may choose to reward further applicants.

Simply follow this link and fill out your details along with your submission file or link to the draft: CLICK HERE

3. Meme Contest ($8,500 in RiFi total)

Do you have what it takes to create memes that’ll show other memes whose boss? Why not show us your talent by entering our Meme contest. The top ten entrants will receive a big prize with $1,000 awarded to the winner, $500 to the second and third place memes and $250 to positions 4th through 10th. After this, the remaining participants will receive a $50 airdrop for their hard work, up to a total of $5,000.

You have from June 9th to July 2nd to take part.

A community vote will be held for one week and will be announced on July 9th. Follow us on Twitter and join our Telegram group, and at the end of the competition, we will share our top 10 memes on our social media channels for viewing and voting purposes.

To enter, please use the following link: CLICK HERE

4. GIF Contest ($8,500 in RiFi total)

How about trying your hand at creating a GIF? Well, why not enter our GIF contest to demonstrate your talents. The top ten entrants will receive a big prize with $1,000 awarded to the winner, $500 to the second and third place GIFs and $250 to positions 4th through 10th. After this, the remaining participants will receive a $50 airdrop for their hard work, up to a total of $5,000.

This contest will also run from June 9th to July 2nd. The community will then vote over the next week with the announcement being on July 9th.

To enter, use the following link: CLICK HERE

At the end of the competition we will share the top 10 GIFs on our social media channels for viewing and voting purposes, so make sure you follow us on Twitter and join our Telegram group to cast your vote.

5. Telegram Sticker Contest ($8,500 in RiFi total)

Has there ever been a time when you couldn’t find the sticker you wanted to make a point on Telegram? Now could be the perfect opportunity to create your own sticker that says what you want.

The top ten entrants will receive a big prize with $1,000 awarded to the winner, $500 to the second and third place Sticker Pack and $250 to positions 4th through 10th. After this, the remaining participants will receive a $50 airdrop for their hard work, up to a total of $5,000. If you’d like to take part, you have between June 9th and July 2nd to create your sticker logo.

Follow us on Twitter and join our Telegram group where the community can view and vote for their favorite. On July 9th we will announce the winners. We will share the top five sticker sets after the competition. To enter, upload your files to this form: CLICK HERE

6. Video Contest ($10,000 in RiFi total)

Do you have what it takes to make a top short promotional video, with a minimum length of 20 seconds? Of course you do, so enter our Video contest now for your chance to win a Grand Prize of a $2,500 RiFi airdrop and ten secondary prizes of a $500 RiFi airdrop. Remaining entrants will be awarded a $100 airdrop, up to a total of $2,500, for their efforts.

This contest will run from June 9th to July 5th. Winner will be announced July 9th.

The videos must meet our quality standards and the winners will be chosen by the team. If none of the videos meet our quality standards, then we may decide to move the reward prizes into other prize buckets.

Videos should be uploaded via YouTube as a private link. Submit the link along with your information on the following form: CLICK HERE

Enter to Win!


And now for the fun part: the rules.

1. The logos are not to be used in any inappropriate manner as deemed by the team. This will be cause for disqualification in any category.

2. A maximum of three (3) articles per person will be accepted from any user for the Article Contest. A maximum of three (3) entries per category will be accepted from any user for the Meme Contest and GIF Contest. A minimum of five (5) stickers per pack and one (1) pack will be accepted from any user for the Telegram Sticker Contest. A maximum of two (2) videos per person will be accepted from any user for the Video Contest.

3. Entries will never mention or imply the purchasing of $RiFi, cannot show or encourage explicit illegal activities, must not contain material of a morbid, distasteful or gruesome nature, cannot contain pornographic references or material, and will not promote racist themes or topics.

4. Any remaining $RiFi will be used for future promotion.

5. For the engagement airdrop, duplicate addresses will be deleted.


RiFi has permission to use entrants’ email addresses for communications in regards to, but not limited to the competition.

RiFi may change these rules or close the competition at any time. Winners will be announced on July 9th.

The winners will receive their airdrop in the RiFi Finance Vault after launch. They will then have the option to claim it or leave it in the fault to get a great APY!

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Rikkei Finance
Rikkei Finance

Rikkei Finance is a Web3 platform, encompassing a DeFi lending protocol and an NFT Marketplace; with a focus on NFT rentals and NFT based lending and borrowing.