$RU-BUSD Liquidity Farming Vault to be Launch

Rikkei Finance
Rikkei Finance
Published in
5 min readNov 15, 2021

Get ready, Rificians. We have some fresh news for you!

With a high number of requests from our community, RIFI United LP Farming is being launched as an investing method for our $RU holders. Starting from 8AM UTC Nov 16, LP Farming Vault will go live at https://apps.rifiunited.io/vault and provide $RU holders chances to earn with a sweet APY up to 5000%.


  1. Deposit Time: 8AM UTC Nov 16 to 8AM UTC Nov 21. You will be unable to participate once the deposit period has expired.
  2. Stake RU-BUSD LP Token and earn $RU rewards
  3. No LP lock after 3 months
    Once your LP token is deposited, it will be locked for the first 3 months. After that, there will be no lock period. Users can withdraw their LP tokens anytime and earn real-time APY.
  4. Preset APY of up to 5000%Earnings are guaranteed.
    RU-BUSD Liquidity Farming Vaults enables liquidity providers to earn a sweet APY of up to 5000% regardless of the number of participants, which means that no matter how many people stake into the vault, liquidity providers are guaranteed to receive the preset increasing APY.
  5. A higher APY is applied for a longer staking duration.
    The incentive program will last 365 days. The APY will increase in real time, sec by sec, until it reaches 5000% at the end of the program. The longer and more TVL you deposit in the vault, the more earnings you’ll make. If you can’t hold, you won’t be rich.

How does it work?

Now you could add RU-BUSD liquidity to Pancakeswap, then deposit your LP tokens into RIFI United RU-BUSD Liquidity Farming Vault.

Deposit Time: 8AM UTC Nov 16 to 8AM UTC Nov 21. You will be unable to participate once the deposit period has expired.

Once your LP tokens are deposited, your tokens will be locked for the first 3 months. After that, there will be no lock period. Users can withdraw their LP tokens anytime and earn real-time APY.

Earnings are guaranteed with preset APY of up to 5000%. RU-BUSD Liquidity Farming Vaults enables liquidity providers to earn a sweet APY of up to 5000% regardless of the number of participants, which means that no matter how many people stake into the vault, users are guaranteed to receive the preset increasing APY.

A higher APY is applied for a longer staking duration. The incentive program will last 365 days. The APY will increase in real time, sec by sec, until it reaches 5000% at the end of the program. The longer and more TVL you deposit in the vault, the more earnings you’ll make. If you can’t hold, you won’t be rich.

So RU-BUSD liquidity providers will now get more bang for their buck as they’ll be earning not only the trading fee by providing liquidity to PancakeSwap, but also from the sweet APY up to 5000%!

What are the benefits? 🎁

  1. Increasing the locked liquidity price of RU-BUSD LP tokens

$RU-BUSD Vault participants will increase the net locked liquidity held in the RU-BUSD pool by participating in the program.

Let’s look at a short example: A user deposits his funds into the RU-BUSD vault, triggering the creation of locked liquidity. The locked liquidity price of RU-BUSD LP tokens increases since it is positively correlated to the amount of locked liquidity held in the RU-BUSD pool on PancakeSwap. 🚀

As the APY will increase in real time, sec by sec, until it reaches 5000% at the end of the program, investors seeking better APY returns are now attracted to the increased APY in the vault.

2. Protection against fluctuations in the market

In the event of a bear market where investors begin to pull funds out of the vault and sell their RU rewards, the APY still skyrockets 🚀 Earnings are guaranteed with a preset APY of up to 5000% regardless of market fluctuations. Investors seeking high APY returns will inevitably be drawn to staking their RU-BUSD LP tokens in the vault for the higher returns.

How to provide liquidity on PancakeSwap

Providing liquidity on PancakeSwap to receive $RU-BUSD LP tokens is simple:

  1. Go to https://pancakeswap.finance/add/0x6dc923900B3000Bd074D1Fea072839D51c76E70e/0xe9e7cea3dedca5984780bafc599bd69add087d56
  2. Connect wallet
  3. Add liquidity

Select a token pair you wish to provide, RU and BUSD. Choose how many RU tokens you wish to add — the other half amount of BUSD will be auto-filled. This is due to the pairing needing to be of equivalent value. Details will be provided on your proportional share of the pool, which will dictate the amount of liquidity provider (LP) tokens you receive. The LP tokens will be named in accordance with the pair of tokens you provided, so in this case, the tokens would be named RU-BUSD LP.

4. Stake LP tokens. You can now take your newly minted RU-BUSD LP tokens to the RIFI United LP Farming Vault, available at https://apps.rifiunited.io/vault/lp-farming and stake them in the LP farming pool.

Connect Wallet -> Fill in your Deposit amount -> Click “Approve” -> Click “Deposit” -> Confirm the deposit in MetaMask.

About RIFI United

RIFI United is one of the products of Rikkei Finance, paving the way for future NFT lending, one of 3 main features of Rikkei Finance.

RIFI United is a soccer manager simulator, built with a unique game depth to provide lasting enjoyment for players. The core of RIFI United is a vast and complicated match calculation system that provides perfect realism and the proper level of competitiveness among Premier League supporters. As a play-to-earn game, RIFI United users can enjoy playing RIFI United while earning $RU /ru/ tokens from trading, staking, and winning matches.

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