UX case study: Simplifying login for EQL

Over a period of 4 months, I worked with EQL, a digital healthcare company developing solutions to improve outcomes for physio clinicians and patients. This post is about the first project I worked on with the team.

Rikke Koblauch
Published in
3 min readJan 30, 2023


Looking for a problem to solve

We were looking for low-hanging fruit to improve the product, and show the business, what design can do and be.

We knew that the drop-off rate while signing up to one of their apps, Phio Engage was high, so we decided to look into how we might improve the experience. We did a UX audit of the whole sign-up flow and found that the login flow consisted of 7 clicks. 🥵 This felt like a nice low-hanging fruit.

How might we simplify the login flow?

UX audit

We took screenshots of every step of the process with the goal to get rid of everything unnecessary and smoothen out the flow.

Findings & fixes

  • ︎The first screen doesn’t really do anything, it just shows the name of the app, which you already know and adds an unnecessary click — Let’s get rid of that!
  • The second and third screens let you input your email, but the Next button is hidden underneath the keyboard, which adds an unnecessary click — Let’s move the button up!
  • The sixth and seventh screen also hides the Next button underneath the keyboard — Let’s move the button up!

So just by removing steps and shuffling things around we got rid of 3 clicks and made the login flow a lot smoother.

This was a low-hanging fruit and a good way to illustrate that design doesn’t always have to be big, scary or expensive!

A big thanks to Ayesha Karin & Natasha Nathu and the rest of team EQL! ❤

About me

I’m a freelance UX designer and researcher with almost 10 years of experience building digital products and services. I’m a Hyper Island alumni and have been working with big global brands and small startups within mobility, retail, healthcare, the public sector etc.

You can read more about my work on my Medium publication or reach out using rikkekoblauch@gmail.com 💌



Rikke Koblauch

Freelance UX designer/researcher · worked with @ustwo @malmociviclab @hellogreatworks @issuu · @hyperisland alumnus 🎀