UX Research case study: Hedvig insurance

In 2020 I worked together with Hedvig, a modern insurance company on a two-week project — I helped the team prepare for their upcoming launch in Denmark, by doing user research to uncover feelings about insurance among young people in Copenhagen

Rikke Koblauch
Published in
4 min readFeb 16, 2023


About Hedvig

Hedvig is a modern insurance company. Hedvig was founded in 2017 in Sweden and is currently available in Sweden, Noway and Denmark. Hedvig is one of the fastest-growing insurance companies with more than 100.000 members.

About the project

I was hired for two weeks to run a UX research project, to help the team prepare for their upcoming launch in Denmark. The main goal was to collect insights and uncover feelings towards insurance amongst young people living in Copenhagen. And to test a landing page prototype the team had been working on.

The main goal was to collect insights and uncover feelings towards insurance amongst young people living in Copenhagen

I wrote an interview script to test the prototype and to get their general understanding and feelings about insurance. I recruited 9 participants in the age group 23–31 years old all living in Copenhagen. I spent the first week interviewing everyone, some I visited in their homes, and some interviews were done online.

Online and IRL usertesting

My favourite findings & quotes

We had a lot of learnings on how to communicate UPS on the landing page better. But also in general about their relationship to insurance and expectations towards it, here are some of my favourites:

  • 2 of the 9 people did not know the name of their insurance company.
  • They are aware of the insurance they have, but not the details of it.
  • 6 of the 9 people mentioned their bikes at least once during the interview.
  • There are biases towards the big insurance companies; “They don’t care about me”.

“In Denmark, I would worry about my bike and my technology” — Elena

“I would rather go to a small company that does it differently, rather than the big traditional ones” — Laura

“This tells me nothing if about it being an insurance company it looks like a Lars Von Trier film” — Idil

We also found some very concrete and Denmark-specific learnings:


  • Everyone felt good about NemID and expressed that it made the service more trustworthy.
  • Everyone had the NemID app on their phone, which makes the process much easier.


  • Payment day in Denmark is the last working day of the month.
  • People want to pay bills on the first day of the month.
  • People want to set up automatic payment using a credit card or MobilePay.

Feelings about a Swedish tech startup

  • Many liked the idea of “supporting the small”.
  • There are biases towards the big companies; “They don’t care about me”.
  • People are fine with a Swedish insurance company, doesn’t seem like a big deal. “Still feels Scandi”.
  • People are not interested in tech, they want simplicity and trust.

I organised the learnings in a presentation deck and presented it to the team. Some findings were used to update and iterate the landing page and others to direct the communication and strategy for the Danish launch.

A deck with all the findings

This was a short and sweet project, in only two weeks we had a much better understanding of the danish market and some very concrete and actionable iterations to the landing page.

It’s a good example of how user testing and feedback, can be used to define some very concrete iterations to design and copy to a product (in this case landing page). But also how it can be used to get a better understanding of a market, which can help guide communication and positioning.

Hedvig billboards in Copenhagen

About me

I’m a freelance UX designer and researcher with almost 10 years of experience building digital products and services. I’m a Hyper Island alumni and have been working with big global brands and small startups within mobility, retail, healthcare, the public sector etc.

You can read more about my work on my Medium publication or reach out using rikkekoblauch@gmail.com 💌



Rikke Koblauch

Freelance UX designer/researcher · worked with @ustwo @malmociviclab @hellogreatworks @issuu · @hyperisland alumnus 🎀