8 things to consider while making a success driven app

Ilsa Khan
Published in
3 min readMay 27, 2021
8 things to consider while making a success driven app

What makes an application successful? What things to consider while making a success driven app? People these days are ignorant of the facts that translate an app into a success. Let’s learn about the recipe of an app that can develop the taste of your users from day one.

User-oriented application

Building a user-centric application is no doubt difficult but it attains most of the user’s attention. It is a prime goal to satisfy the user requirements, fulfill the objectives and expectations they have with the application. Prioritizing the user’s choice helps you build a proper app and benefits you to achieve usability goals, meet their needs, and choices.

Target core features

Taking care of the users’ needs is considered a priority, what do they expect to have in the application? What is the main purpose of it? The application must emphasize functionalities that serve the core purpose. Overloading the application with multiple features doesn’t count as a good practice. It is preferred to have a set of important features in the application rather than having an excess amount of graphics and useless elements. A capacity to perform a task seamlessly makes an application successful. Therefore, to be focused on the basic features, always remember the reason that drove you to build the app primarily.

User-friendly design

A user-friendly application is always the most appraised one, flows and functionalities within the application screens should be clear and understandable to the users. The UI of the application must be organized appropriately, it should be designed by keeping all the screen sizes into consideration since tiny content and buttons are not convenient on small displays. The clickable items must be kept in a manner that they can be easily fit to thumb size.


Who does not like things that are up to their preferences? A good application always lets their users make decisions for their application interface and allow them to customize it as per their choices. People usually turn things according to their taste, especially those which are of their daily use, this adjustment is mostly concerned with the modification of the application in the context of colors, fonts, etc. Always be careful that the flexibility of customization never affects your core functionalities.

Offline support

It is the most resourceful functionality anyone can have in their application. The application must have the ability to work entirely offline for end-users, which keeps them engaged with the application throughout the time, and allow changes to occur once they get online. The offline facility assures you that the user keeps growing and the app is in continuous usage.

Proper functionality

Get the application tested many times before the launch because a fully functional application is the one that makes great reach in the market. The functionality of the application has a significant impact on the application’s success. It should support all operating systems, no matter what screen sizes and versions they have. All the buttons, links, and navigation should be quick and glitch-free. The more it is flexible to use the more it will be picked among all applications.


Speed is one of the primary factors that affect application success since slower applications can easily ruin the user experience. A seamless application is the first choice of any user, where they do not need to wait longer to navigate between the app pages. If app pages are taking time to load, the app should inform the user that their request is processing to maintain user engagement and user satisfaction.

Support and maintenance

Not only the design and performance but one should also provide technical support to the user and make necessary guides that help them to take care of application maintenance. Keeping in mind that every person is not technical, there must be a proper support section in the application to assist users in any technical way. Customer support should be functioning because your good response towards your customers helps you to gain goodwill.

It is necessary to consider every individual aspect of mobile application success. The application should serve the required purpose, carry out one’s expectations, and fulfills their needs. This helps to be connected with the right audience and to stay ahead in market competition.



Ilsa Khan

A fresh graduate in the discipline of computer science, joined the RIKSOF force at technical writing front.