Why are Stradivarius Violins so Expensive? (Research)

Riley Cornell
Riley Cornell
Published in
1 min readJan 28, 2021


Stradivarius violins are the most expensive and luxurious violins in the world. They can sell anywhere from 2–16 million dollars. They are the most expensive violins in the world but, what makes them so special you may be thinking; They were created by the Italian violin maker Antonio Stradivari. He made a total of 1,100 instruments in all, but only about 650 are still around today which makes them low supply and high demand. Musicians have believed that the notorious Stradivarius is superior to other violins in sound and quality but, is this true? A recent study at Sorbonne University stated that even professional violinists can not tell the difference between an old Stradivarius and newly made violins some musicians even preferred the sound of newly made violins. They even let 21 violinists in a room and had them try out many different violins and 62 percent of these violinists picked the new violins over the old and the Stradivarius was the most rejected of these violins. This study proves that the Stradivarius has a huge reputation but when compared to modern made violins in sound it is equal if not inferior. Despite this fact they are still some of the most sought after violins and come at a very pricy cost.

Here is a link to a YouTube video that is a test to see if you can tell the difference from a $70 to a $10,000,000 Stradivarius violin. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9e0Tuvitkgs

