RIMEDO Labs. The Remedy for Your Wireless Challenges.

Marcin Dryjanski, Ph.D.
Published in
4 min readJul 15, 2020

If all the projects involved various experts in their fields, the world would have a chance to move forward a little faster…

The state of radiocommunication

The development of technology is gaining momentum. The periods between successive breakthroughs are shortening.

Where we are in the radiocommunications world?

  • 5G is in the commercialization phase while 6G in the early concept phase;
  • New concepts are getting traction, including: Open RAN, RAN virtualization, software-based systems, local spectrum / dynamic spectrum licensing
  • Industry 4.0 and verticals — the use of mobile / 5G / LTE systems in various / new applications and the need for specialists in the field of radiocommunication in these applications
  • New business models occur — private networks, campus networks, neutral host networks, infrastructure as a service, communication and computing “uberization”

The story

Did Marcin Dryjański — co-founder of RIMEDO Labs, by joining the “Amperek research club” in 2007 — suppose that a little over a decade later, together with his professors and lecturers, he would deal with 5G and 6G technology and the introduction of mobile systems in new applications in all branches of business?

In the research group “Amperek”, led by a young doctor, Adrian Kliks, for example, FPGA radio transmitters for WiMAX (3.5 G) were created. Young students were encouraged to participate in scientific conferences and to publish the results of their projects in the scientific press. This approach paid off: Marcin Dryjański, years later a consultant at the Swedish branch of Telecom Vendor, and co-founder of Grandmetric, returned to his previous ones, establishing business and scientific cooperation with the Institute of Radiocommunication of the Poznań University of Technology. This relationship resulted in further joint projects, career, and technology development. Diverse experiences, deep expertise, and shared values are a combination that stimulates innovation and creates added value.

And like many popular and iconic films and series, this story also has a real spin-off. This particular one is based on knowledge and experience; a unique mix of competencies from the world of science and business.


RIMEDO Labs is founded by:

  • dr Marcin Dyjański, an R&D engineer, consultant, and entrepreneur, specializing in the architecture of radio solutions, cooperating with leading organizations and operators around the world,
  • professor Hanna Bogucka, an expert in the field of radiocommunications, principal investigator of European Commission — and industry-funded projects, leader of international scientific organizations and committees,
  • dr Adrian Kliks, university professor at the Institute of Radiocommunication of Poznan University of Technology, manager of a number of national and international research projects,
  • dr Paweł Kryszkiewicz, doctor of technical sciences in the field of telecommunications, participant of many research projects related to wireless networks and cognitive radio systems,
  • Witold Klimas, an entrepreneur, gaining experience in both international corporations and creative start-ups.

The team consists of experts experienced in research projects from the world of science and business. People who create trends and solutions in radiocommunication technologies. Enthusiasts whose ambition is to raise the business to a higher level, but also to ensure the relationship between the world of development and the world of science. Social activists whose desire is to develop the next generation of students and give them opportunities and tools to pursue their passions.

“The word “engineer” etymology is Latin Ingenium, which means: character, intelligence, talent. It feels great to be a part of the RIMEDO Labs team of valued engineers with character: ambitious, energetic, devoted, hardworking, with a record of successful projects and technical solutions evincing of their brainpower and talent. This is all we need to follow our shared view on engineering to be service to society and an engineer to be the problem solver.” — says prof. Hanna Bogucka about this initiative.

“The whole industry entered the new phase, where fast and reliable wireless communications will play a crucial role. In various branches, it may appear as a trigger for faster technological development. However, the mass deployment of wirelessly connected devices creates new challenges. In RIMEDO Labs, we would like to transform these challenges into opportunities.” — adds Adrian Kliks.

RIMEDO in Esperanto is a “resource” and “method”. In this cooperation you will gain both of these things.

RIMEDO Labs. The Remedy for Your Wireless Challenges.

Originally published at https://www.rimedolabs.com on July 15, 2020.



Marcin Dryjanski, Ph.D.

Senior IEEE Member, co-author of numerous research papers on 5G design, and a book: “From LTE to LTE-Advanced Pro and 5G” published by Artech House in 2017.