“Inclusion is not just the diversity of appearances, it is also the diversity of perspectives.”

Ring Capital
Published in
3 min readMar 7, 2022

Interview of Maxime Ruszniewski, founder & CEO @Remixt

Maxime Ruszniewski, founder & CEO of Remixt

Can you introduce us to Remixt?

Remixt is a Diversity and Inclusion support solution for companies of all sizes that is based on a digital awareness and diagnostic platform. It all starts with a web-series shot with actors on different themes — gender equality, inclusion of disability, LGBT+, intergenerational, ecological transition — broadcasted to employees. Quizzes are also offered to make awareness fun before moving on to the “survey” stage.

We rely on culture and education to break down preconceived ideas and obtain concrete results! This is probably the reason why Elisabeth Moreno, minister in charge of equality between women and men, wrote us a letter of support: “your platform (…) is a useful and necessary tool for the world of work that must follow the evolution of our society.

There is a lot of talk about diversity and inclusion. Are these two dimensions necessarily linked?

Diversity and inclusion are associated because companies realize that they have a huge issue of representativeness. There are only three women at the head of a CAC 40 company today. We are facing a major ethical problem that is at the heart of the concerns of the younger generations. These young people are now asking themselves where they will work to respect their values.

We cannot dissociate the two notions as long as diversity is not achieved, so under-represented minorities have a problem of inclusion.

Can the growing media coverage of diversity and inclusion issues be considered as a real awareness or is it a new washing component?

We have clearly gone beyond the fashion effect. Never before have these issues been questioned and polled within the company.

Everyday microaggressions, such as “you don’t have a child, why are you taking a summer break?” went unnoticed, no one was looking into it.

We also see that diversity and inclusion work together. Companies that want inclusion are also faced with the challenge of questioning their relationship with diversity, one cannot be achieved without the other. They also have to understand that inclusion is not only diversity of appearances but also diversity of points of view!

How do you go about making these issues an integral part of your business strategy?

With Remixt, we act on employee awareness. The second part of our approach consists of using a survey tool that will enable us to create collective intelligence, because everyone has a responsibility.

Using our platform, we ask the question “and you, how do you react as a witness?

It’s also a way to alert one’s hierarchy, to access support if one is concerned, and to have experts speak on specific points, which also helps to optimize costs, all with fun videos.

What are the next steps for Remixt?

We are launching a major national campaign on gender stereotypes in Tech as part of the French Tech Community Fund organized by the Ministry of the Economy. 6 startups, including Klaxoon, OpenClassrooms, Ohbibi and Welink, will benefit from awareness and diagnostic campaigns on the prevention of sexual harassment, ordinary sexism, LGBT+ inclusion or on the issues surrounding second parent leave.

We will then be able to use these results to deploy a public platform available to all startup employees in order to widely disseminate good practices and information that everyone should be able to access.

If you had to mention a company that particularly inspires you?

I would say Huggle led by Gabriel Maurisson who uses digital to help impact companies to scale! Huggle optimizes the management of the workload internally to free time for projects.

It also improves information tracking and team coordination. And fosters relationship building with stakeholders within a community. Huge project!

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