Let’s build a better tomorrow - why our Brand evolves

Marie-Capucine Lemétais
Ring Capital
Published in
5 min readJun 16, 2020

More than 2 years ago, we launched Ring Capital in order to finance and support french tech and digital scale-ups to accelerate their growth. Those 2 years gave us a sharper view on what we actually are and understand the needs of the entrepreneurs we work with.

When we launched Ring Capital, our Brand was a key component of our mission statement. The concept of “Ring” symbolized the alliance we build everyday with our investors and with the companies we invest in. The (boxing) Ring was also the symbol of the hard work we are doing to help entrepreneurs achieve success by impacting their trajectory at the right time with the right advise. And of course, Ring as the symbol of our community (the fellowship of the ring if it reminds you of something :-).

As many entrepreneurs do in their first years — we learned by doing and understood more precisely where we could create value and what we really wanted to do.

We asked ourselves many questions about value creation and what it meant for us today and for the future — to be fair, our beloved advisor Michel Gotlib was a great catalyst for that work — and since maieutics work, we did manage to express our identity more clearly so that our “clients” (entrepreneurs, investors, etc.) can really perceive and understand it better. As a result, we have reshaped our identity — from our Manifesto and purpose to our visual identity — so that it really resonates even better with what we do.

We started this work beginning of 2020 and believe it is even more relevant in the current context and the post-Covid environment.

The key pillars of what we stand for are the following:

> We are tech and digital investors, with strong operational focus

> We are building an ecosystem and fostering collective intelligence to succeed

> We support business leaders who build models that can be both sustainable and financially performant

1. New symbol



We strongly believe in COLLECTIVE INTELLIGENCE to create value. That is why we are evolving from a square symbol to concentric circles which is the right way to illustrate our different communities . Those communities are the foundations of our investment ecosystem with different levels of integration. The first circles, the closest ones, represent the team, our portfolio companies, our investors, our business experts –and then our friends, our partners who all help us achieve our mission. Our ambition is to create and give life to this open ecosystem so that everyone can contribute and bring value.

2. New mission

Empower tech entrepreneurs to build a better tomorrow, where business performance and sustainability coexist.

Our former mission was: “We provide capital to fast growing digital scale-ups and we mentor ambitious French entrepreneurs.” What we said then was not untrue but it may limit the true ambition of the team.

We strongly believe our mission as an investor is to contribute to the emergence of new models that are both (financially) performant and sustainable. With the conviction that innovation is the best enabler to do so.

We can’t afford to make short term bets, we need to invest in long term performant businesses.

3. New tagline

Enter the orbit.

The idea behind this tagline is an open heart invitation to join the Ring ecosystem. Every single potential member of our ecosystem can join the way he/she wants and contribute to reinforce the collective intelligence in order to create value.

4. New manifesto

A new manifesto capturing our ambition:

Investment is going through massive transformation. Accelerated disruption in all sectors. Massive growth in technology — and failures too.

Pressure for high returns is driving short term thinking. And although the new generation is on a quest for a greater purpose, sustainability is rarely at the center of business strategies.

We think that change is happening. And we want to help make it happen.

Because, in today’s increasingly complex business landscape, entrepreneurs are looking beyond the balance sheet. They want a partner able to offer collective intelligence, flexible investment and ramp-up capabilities throughout their journey. They want valuable advice and high-quality operational support. But more importantly, they want to know that someone is working closely with them to make things better.

That’s why we’re creating an investment ecosystem that combines business performance with positive action. We offer a RING — with great people at its heart. and let’s build a better tomorrow, together!

It’s both a powerful structure and a trajectory. It’s an orbit that pulls in responsibly minded entrepreneurs and empowers them to thrive. It’s a sphere composed of valuable resources and diverse experts, from business specialists, researchers and scientists to philosophers and marketers.

Come leverage this collective intelligence and let’s build a better tomorrow, together!

Ring. Enter the orbit.



Marie-Capucine Lemétais
Ring Capital

Investor @RingCapital, financing and supporting fast-growing digital scaleups. Digital marketing and fintech lover.