Building a Glip Translation Bot with BotBuilder and Dialogflow

Embbnux Ji
RingCentral Developers
5 min readMar 8, 2018

Communication between users using different languages can be difficult. This can happen when global teams use Glip so we want to build a Glip Bot to translate conversations with the Microsoft BotBuilder framework and Dialogflow. This bot uses new RingCentral Glip bot provision flow and is deployed in Heroku.

You can get source codes in this Github Repo . It’s a Node.js Project. A step-by-step tutorials that show how to use BotBuilder with Glip is available here.


  1. A free RingCentral Developer account to create a Bot app
  2. A Heroku account to deploy the bot
  3. A Microsoft Translator Text API app
  4. A Dialogflow Agent to understand conversation text

The Structure of the Bot

the structure of the Glip bot

Create a new Glip bot app

Firstly, we need to create a RingCentral Glip Bot app in RingCentral Developer Platform. Please follow this tutorial to create a Glip bot app.

In step 2, you can choose Public as Application Type, so the bot can be added to different Company Account with different bot user.

Create a Glip bot — step 2

In step 3, please keep Redirect URI blank. we will update it after we get Heroku app url.

Create a Glip bot — step 3

After created, we can get RingCentral API server URL, Client ID and Client Secret. And a sandbox account to test. We will use those data in following tutorial

Create a Glip bot — step 4

Create a Translation Agent in Dialogflow

In this bot, we will use Dialogflow to parse conversation text to command and params.

First, need to create a Agent in Dialogflow.

Dialogflow create agent

After the agent has been created, we can get an access token which we will use to request Dialogflow API.


Add to prebuilt translate agent to your agent

add prebuilt agents to agent
add prebuilt agents to agent — 1

Add bot to Heroku

We use heroku-cli to create a Heroku app.

$ git clone
$ cd translate-bot
$ npm install -g heroku-cli
$ heroku login
$ heroku create your_heroku_bot_app_name

After created, we can get a heroku publish url, such as . We need to add a public redirect URI to Glip bot app in RingCentral Developer Platform. Update it in App > Settings > OAuth Settings.

update OAuth redirect URI in RingCentral platform

Our bot requires MongoDB to save bot data. So we need to add Mongo DB to our Glip bot Heroku app. Go to Resources tab in your app, and add MongoDB to your add-ons.

add mongodb to bot app

Add following environment variables to your Heroku app:

MONGODB_URI=your_mongodb_uri, such as: mongodb://localhost:27017
add environments to bot app

Bot Setup

Start the bot

We can start the bot by heroku-cli

$ heroku restart -a your_heroku_bot_app_name

So the bot is running on Heroku

Add bot to Glip

We need to Add bot to your RingCentral Glip Company Account. Go to RingCentral Developer Website. Click Add to Glip button in Bot section.

After added, we can get this bot in Glip App or Website. Because our app is in sanbox, we need to go to Glip sandbox website.

Login with your sandbox account to test the bot.

How it works

Connect Glip with BotBuilder

We build a Glip Connector for BotBuilder. Just pass the Glip Connector to BotBuilder and it will works with RingCentral OAuth, Glip API and Webhook.

const storage = new MongoStorage({ url: process.env.MONGODB_URI, db: process.env.MONGODB_DB });const server = restify.createServer();
const connector = new GlipConnector({
botLookup: async (botId) => {
const botEntry = await storage.find('bots', botId)
return botEntry;
verificationToken: process.env.GLIP_BOT_VERIFICATION_TOKEN,
clientId: process.env.GLIP_CLIENT_ID,
clientSecret: process.env.GLIP_CLIENT_SECRET,
server: process.env.GLIP_API_SERVER,
redirectUrl: `${process.env.GLIP_BOT_SERVER}/oauth`,
webhookUrl: `${process.env.GLIP_BOT_SERVER}/webhook`,
replyOnlyMentioned: true,
server.get('/oauth', connector.listenOAuth());'/webhook', connector.listen());
const bot = new builder.UniversalBot(connector);bot.on('installationUpdate', (event) => {
const botId = event.sourceEvent.TokenData.owner_id;
console.log(`New bot installed: ${botId}`);
const botData = {
token: event.sourceEvent.TokenData
storage.insert('bots', botId, botData);

Connect Dialogflow with Botbuilder

Just pass Dialogflow Recognizer to BotBuilder Bot, and it will work.

const { DialogflowRecognizer } = require('./dialogflowRecognizer');const recognizer = new DialogflowRecognizer(process.env.DIALOGFLOW_TOKEN);const intents = new builder.IntentDialog({ recognizers: [recognizer] })

Handle the message from Glip and send

We can get Glip message in BotBuilder session, and send message by “session.send”.

const intents = new builder.IntentDialog({ recognizers: [recognizer] })
.matches('translate.text', async (session, args) => {
console.log('Receive message: ', session.message.text);
console.log('Entities: ', args.entities);
let text = builder.EntityRecognizer.findEntity(args.entities, 'text');
let language = builder.EntityRecognizer.findEntity(args.entities, 'lang-to');
const translation = await translateAPI.translate({ text: text.entity, language: language.entity });
const reply = `Hi, "${text.entity}" in ${language.entity} is: \n> ${translation}`;
}).onDefault((session , args) => {
bot.dialog('/', intents);


In this article, we show you how to build a Glip translation bot with BotBuilder framework and deploy it as a Heroku app. You can get full codes from this Github Repo. This is a step-by-step tutorials that show how to use BotBuilder with Glip.

Give it a try. Any kind of feedback is welcome!

