Developing with RingCentral for TADHack ’17 — In under 20 minutes

Benjamin Dean
RingCentral Developers
4 min readMar 23, 2017

RingCentral is heading to Orlando, FL to sponsor Enterprise Connect Conference (March 27th — March 30th, 2017) and the associated TADHack (Telecom Application Developer Hackathon, March 25th — 26th, 2017). This is exciting for us since TADHack is the first hackathon to be attached to the Enterprise Connect Conference (we have been sponsors of Enterprise Connect for many years, and this is a really welcomed addition).

If you haven’t already registered to participate in TADHack, you can register to participate in TADHack ’17 here.

  • Are you a developer, programmer, data scientist, UI/UX developer?
  • Planning on hacking with RingCentral in your TADHack ’17 project?
  • Want to get up-to-speed with RingCentral and our Platform quickly?
  • Got developer questions about RingCentral APIs, SDKs, WebRTC
  • Want to hack on Glip APIs or create a ChatBot for Glip?

Join the TADHack-RingCentral Developer Acceleration Webinar + Q&A (2017–03–17

Good news for you! Friday, March 17th at 10:00AM PDT I will be conducting a RingCentral Developer Acceleration Webinar empowering your success hacking on RingCentral! Our goal will be to help you get enabled for hacking on RingCentral in under twenty (20) minutes. I will leave the last ten (10) minutes for Q&A.

Join from PC, Mac, iOS or Android (requires download/install of RingCentral Meetings):

Or iPhone one-tap:
Or Telephone:
Dial: +1 (773) 231 9226
Meeting ID: 148 646 2872

International numbers available:

RingCentral at TADHack ’17 Prize List

  • 1st Place — $2,000.00 and a Raspberry Pi Project Kit w/ 7" touchscreen!!
  • 2nd Place — $1,000.00
  • 3rd Place — $300.00

All cash prizes will be equally divided by the number of people who are on your hackathon team, and distributed to each eligible member of your TADHack team.

RingCentral Judging and RingCentral Prize Eligibility Requirements

Team Eligibility. Each team who wishes to be eligible to be judged and considered for the RingCentral prizes at TADHack ’17 MUST COMPLETE the TADHack ’17 Team Registration Form (one registration for the whole team)

Developer Eligibility. Each member of your teammate you listed, MUST COMPLETE the TADHack ’17 Developer Registration Form (individual registrations are required from each teammate).

How Do You Win the RingCentral Prizes at TADHack ‘17?

Simple, just let your fingers do the walking (oh wait…that’s the old Yellow Pages slogan, heh heh).

First and most importantly, make sure to submit your Team Registration Form here, and be certain that each member of your team submits their Developer Registration Form here. This MUST be done (by all teammates) before 6pm on Saturday, March 25th, 2017. No late submissions accepted, and no exceptions.

To win the RingCentral TADHack Prize(s), Developers must use one (1) or more of the RingCentral API resources for your submission to be considered meeting the minimum for judging consideration (view the official RingCentral API Documentation here).

Bonus Point Opportunity During Judging

We will be giving bonus points toward teams that develop applications -or- integrations using:

  • Chatbots on Glip
  • AI-Driven RingCentral Applications -or- Integrations

Don’t know how to build or deploy a Chatbot for Glip? No worries…

Why is RingCentral so Excited to be Sponsoring TADHack?

Easy, we love developers, LOL!
In all seriousness, RingCentral is sponsoring TADHack because we love developers, but also because we are launching new resources as part of API that are entirely focused upon Glip.

Hackathons are a great way for us to get real feedback from developers about the experience of using our newly released Platform resources in a very short amount of time so we can make improvements before we ship the production versions to our entire developer community for consumption.

What is Glip…?

Glip is RingCentral’s FREE enterprise messaging, team collaboration and productivity product (yes, I said that right…FREE, get your FREE Glip account here). Glip is changing the future for how teams communicate, but don’t take my word for it.

Here is what users are saying about Glip…



Benjamin Dean
RingCentral Developers

Full-stack developer (front-end heavy), advocate for good things, musician, artist, dad.