How to create a JWT token

RingCentral Developers
2 min readJul 18, 2023

The step that you need to do before you can use a JWT token (credential) is obviously, to create one. Since these keys are secure you can only create them within the console area of your developer account. When you are logged in to your account all you have to do is access your profile menu at the top right of the interface and select “Credentials” from the menu that displays.

Then you can either create a new JWT key [1] or [2] look at any existing JWT keys that may already exist.

If you choose to create a new JWT, then after you click on “Create JWT” you will see this interface.

Here you have to label (Describe it so you can find it later on the list of JWTs) your JWT Key [1], select the environment that it will be active in [2], indicate the scope of the JWT [3] as organization wide or specific applications for which you want it to be active. If you want it to be active for only specific apps then you should have their Client IDs ready to enter into this field. (It helps to look those up ahead of time). Then lastly, you can set an expiry date on the JWT if you want to be sure that an application will have its access shut off at a certain time [4]. This is a great feature if you are doing a controlled beta time frame on having your app tested and then closed on a certain date. When you have these values entered then click on “Create JWT” and the code key will be generated for you.

You should then see a completion screen showing you all the relevant information for the JWT with an option to copy it [1] to memory and use it in your application’s code.



RingCentral Developers

Peter has over 35 years of experience in IT, primarily in PHP. Author of PHP: The Good Parts; co-author: Programming PHP-4th Ed. Zend certified in PHP 5.3 & 4.0